Information available on this webpage is relevant to exams in the Faculty of Computing, Law and Psychology and the Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Many programmes at the University of Buckingham will involve some form of exam. Centrally managed exams usually take place twice a year whilst other assessment may take place throughout the year. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are familiar with Exam Rules, General Academic Regulations (section 8) and the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure prior to the start of exams.
Invigilated Exam Room
- These exams are held in person at our new Mount Pleasant Campus (formally Best Western Hotel, located on the A421).
- Most invigilated paper based exams will be closed-book.
- You will have a fixed amount of time to complete the exam and this will be dependent on the module studied but usually 2 or 3 hours.
- Students may be required to use their own IT device (preferably laptop) for Moodle based or ExamSoft invigilated exams. These exams will have a recommended writing time (usually 2 or 3 hours) but the submission window to complete the exam will normally be 4-hours.
- You must arrive at the exam venue at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the exam.
- Your seat number and room location will be listed outside the venue and will likely be different for each exam you take.
Online E-Exam
- These exams are open-book and take place on Moodle.
- You will have a recommended writing time (usually 2 or 3 hours) but the submission window to complete the exam will normally be 4 or 6 hours depending on the module being assessed.
- You have the full submission window to download the exam paper, complete the exam and upload your answers.
- You should only spend the recommended writing time on your exam paper but can do this at any time within the submission window stipulated. In other words, the length of time required to complete the examination by the average student should not exceed the duration indicated on the examination cover sheet but is not monitored.
- Examination answers must be typed and submitted as a Word document unless told otherwise. Where hand-written calculations or workings are required as part of the examination, or where answers are to be typed but are not text based, this will be indicated on the examination coversheet. In these cases, students will be required to submit a scanned copy of any handwritten work; and follow other specific instructions on the coversheet for the completion and upload of non-text files.
- These are open-book exams meaning you can use any resources e.g. text books/online journals/notes but you must reference your sources.
- Recommended word counts will be provided where possible/relevant.
- Save your work regularly to a USB drive or the Cloud.
- Ensure that you leave sufficient time to check your work, rename files, upload to TurnItIn and check the submitted file.
- Multiple submissions are allowed within the submission window but late submissions are not permitted and will not be marked.
- IT support and administrative support are available throughout the exam period.
Monitored Computer Lab Exams
- These exams are held in person in campus computer labs and are monitored by an invigilator.
- Remember to arrive at the exam venue at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the exam. An invigilator will allocate you a computer. You are not allowed any personal devices in the computer labs and these will be taken from you on entry should you bring any with you i.e. phones, laptops.
- They are restricted access exams where user exam codes are used to restrict your access to what the paper setter deems to be suitable to complete the exam.
- You will have a recommended writing time (usually 2 or 3 hours) but the submission window to complete the exam will normally be 4.5 hours.
- You have the full submission window to access the exam paper, complete the exam and upload your answers.
- You should only spend the recommended writing time on your exam paper but can do this at any time within the submission window stipulated. In other words, the length of time required to complete the examination by the average student should not exceed the duration indicated on the examination cover sheet but is not monitored.
- Examination answers must be typed unless agreed in advance. Where hand-written calculations or workings are required as part of the examination, or where answers are to be typed but are not text based, this will be indicated on the examination coversheet. In these cases, students will be required to submit a hardcopy exam booklet of any handwritten work to the invigilator at the end of the exam of any handwritten work; and follow other specific instructions on the coversheet for the completion and upload of non-text files.
- These are restricted access exams. Materials provided by the paper setter will include lecture notes and Kortext via the Moodle platform. Internet connection will be disabled throughout the exam window.
- Recommended word counts will be provided where possible/relevant.
- Save your work regularly.
- Ensure that you leave sufficient time to check your work, rename files, upload to TurnItIn and check the submitted file.
- Multiple submissions are allowed within the submission window but late submissions are not permitted and will not be marked. Your invigilator will call out timings throughout the exam to support on time submissions.
Frequently asked questions
When are the exam periods?
Centrally managed exams will take place in the final two weeks of the Spring and Autumn terms each year. Exams can take place at any point within this period and will include Saturdays. We would not recommend making any travel arrangements prior to the end of term.
Where can I find my exam timetable?
Exam timetables are emailed to your student email account. Please check your timetable thoroughly and notify registryexams@buckingham.ac.uk of any errors. Non-submission/non-attendance due to errors in your timetable will not be deemed acceptable and the University cannot be held responsible for non-submission/non-attendance and/or clashes as a result of inaccuracies.
When will I receive my timetable?
Students will usually receive their personalised examination timetable by the end of week 6 of the exam term; any delay will be communicated to you. Emails to students will also include covering text with useful information. Please read this email carefully.
Where can I find past papers to practice?
Past exam papers can be accessed from the University’s Past Paper Library.
What do I need to complete my exam?
Invigilated Exam Room
- University ID Card
- Writing implements loose or in a clear plastic pencil case
- Drinking water in a transparent bottle, label removed
- Permitted materials as stated on the examination paper front cover e.g. a calculator if permitted
- Permitted items as stated in a candidate’s agreed reasonable adjustments
Online Exam
You will require access to Moodle. All students with a University of Buckingham e-mail address will have access to Moodle and any required MS Office software as part of their Office 365 subscription.
You are responsible for testing your access and resolving any issues with IT Helpdesk prior to your exams. You must notify your departmental administrator of any potential access difficulties, for example: inability to access Moodle, unsuitable home environments, lack of IT equipment etc. no later than 1 week before the commencement of the examination period.
Monitored Computer Lab Exams
You will require access to Moodle. All students with a University of Buckingham e-mail address will have access to Moodle and any required MS Office software as part of their Office 365 subscription.
You are responsible for testing your access and resolving any issues with IT Helpdesk prior to your exams. You must notify your departmental administrator of any potential access difficulties, for example: inability to access Moodle, unsuitable home environments, lack of IT equipment etc. no later than 1 week before the commencement of the examination period.
You will also require:
- University ID Card
- Writing implements loose or in a clear plastic pencil case
- Drinking water in a transparent bottle, label removed
- Permitted materials as stated on the examination paper front cover e.g. a calculator if permitted
- Permitted items as stated in a candidate’s agreed reasonable adjustments
There is an error on my exam. What do I do?
Invigilated Exam Room
If you believe there is an error on your exam paper, raise your hand during the exam to attract the attention of the invigilator. Explain the situation to the invigilator. Whilst the invigilator seeks clarification, you should continue with a different question. As soon as clarification has been sought, you and any other students impacted will be notified of the response either by means of an announcement or by speaking to individual students.
Online E-Exam
If you believe there is an error on the exam paper, please email registryexams@buckingham.ac.uk with the following details:
- Title of the exam paper
- Question number (where applicable)
- Details of your query
Whilst Registry seeks clarification, you should continue with a different question. As soon as clarification has been sought, you and any other students impacted will be notified of the response via email to your student email account. Under no circumstances should you contact members of your Faculty.
If you cannot see your exam in Moodle, please email registryexams@buckingham.ac.uk. You will be notified as soon as your e-exam access has been updated.
Monitored Computer Lab Exams
If you believe there is an error on your exam paper, raise your hand during the exam to attract the attention of the invigilator.
Explain the situation to the invigilator.
- Question number (where applicable)
- Details of your query
Whilst the invigilator seeks clarification, you should continue with a different question. As soon as clarification has been sought, you and any other students impacted will be notified of the response either by means of an announcement or by speaking to individual students.
I have submitted my online e-exam late. What happens now?
The submission window has been designed to be inclusive and you should not leave submission until the last minute. Late submissions are not allowed and will not be marked.
How do I claim mitigating circumstances?
The University applies the principle that a student who attends, submits or participates in any form of assessment shall be considered by the University to be in a position to do so. Mitigating circumstances are defined as “recognisably disruptive or unexpected events, beyond the student’s control, that might have a significant and adverse impact on their academic performance.”
Please see Section 3.7 of the University’s Regulations Handbook for information on mitigating circumstances and how to apply.
How can I make an academic appeal?
If you are unsatisfied with a decision made by Boards of Examiners, Heads of Department, Research Officers or Research Examining Teams in relation to progression, assessment or awards, please see Section 3.8 of the University’s Regulations Handbook for information on academic appeals and how to apply.
Exam Support
Revision and Exam Advice
Book a 1:1 ASK session
booking calendar
Past papers
Past Exam Papers via Sharepoint
IT and Moodle Access
Issues during the exam
Contact registryexams@buckingham.ac.uk or notify an invigilator for invigilated exam hall examinations.