Conference Papers and Debates
Our academics are frequently invited to talk at conferences or debates. Here are some of the events they have attended (in chronological order, with the most recent first):
Dr Patricia Covarrubia was invited by the European Intellectual Property Teacher’s Network (supported by the European patent Office and European Union Intellectual Property Office) to talk in the Annual Conference, this time in Copenhagen, on “Diversity on IP: Assessing Different Strengths” ( 06 October 2023).
Dr Max Wallis, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe and Dr Steve Coulson of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology gave a paper at RAS NAM2017 National Astronomy Meeting at the University of Hull: “Early Life Traces in the Hadean – compatibility with post-Accretion Bombardment” (4 July 2017).
Dr Nicholas Cambridge gave a Gresham College lecture: “From Mr Pickwick to Tiny Tim – Charles Dickens and Medicine” (30 May 2017).
Dr Barbara Lasic spoke on “‘Une exquise expression artistique’: Spectacularising the Rococo at the 1935 Exhibition of Eighteenth-Century French Art in Copenhagen” at The Rococo in Scandinavia Conference, Palais Thott, Copenhagen (30 May 2017).
Dr Patricia Covarrubia was invited by the Enterprise Europe Network and the Portuguese Intellectual Property Office to provide a training session in Porto on “The importance of IP in internationalization strategies: The case of Latin America” (4 May 2017).
Dr Sarah Sargent presented a paper on “Horses and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Identity, Community and Conflict” on 11 April 2017 at the symposium on Horses, Law and Society: Past, Present and Future, hosted by De Montfort University (Leicester) and of which she was a co-convener.
Dr Philip Fine and Dr Kathryn Friedlander, K.J. gave a presentation on “The grounded expertise components approach: A new methodology for investigating expertise” at the BPS Cognitive Section Annual Conference in Barcelona on 31 Aug-2 Sep 2016, and a symposium presentation “‘The penny drops’ – Insight moments in cryptic crossword solving” in the Creative Problem Solving and Insight symposium at the conference.
Dr Patricia Covarrubia was invited to participate in the UK Trade & Investment Roadshow in Reading on 18 May 2016. She provided guidance and advice as an Intellectual Property expert and gave a presentation together with the UK Intellectual Property Office on why Intellectual Property is relevant and important to SMEs. Read more.
Professor Sabah Jassim and two Applied Computing research students attended the SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing (formerly DSS) symposium in Baltimore in April 2016. Professor Jassim is a co-chair of the Mobile Multimedia / Image Processing, Security, and Applications conference of this symposium that focuses on advanced research in defence and commercial sensing. The team presented 4 publications that covered research into machine learning, image processing and bio-medical pattern recognition. Read more.
Dr Sarah Sargent presented a paper on 18 March 2016 as an invited presenter at the Heirs to Luhmann Workshops: Vulnerability Across Bodies and Systems, at the University of Westminster. Dr Sargent’s paper was titled “The Vulnerability of Native Title: A Systems Theory Analysis”. On 22 April she was an invited presenter at the University of Lincoln’s conference on the theme of Responsibility to Protect, Evaluating the Impact of R2P—10 Years On, An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone?, with her paper entitled “Explaining R2P’s Ineffectiveness: International Norms and Domestic Salience.” At the Socio-Legal Scholars Association (SLSA) conference held at Lancaster University on 5-7 April she presented four papers in different streams.
Dr Julian Richards participated in a one-to-one debate with Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty, at the University of Essex on 20 January 2016. The debate was part of the university’s “Think” programme of public policy debates, and was entitled “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear: the balance between surveillance and privacy”.
Dr Sarah Sargent made a presentation on 3 December 2015 as part of the Aston Law Group Research Seminar Series at Aston University, Birmingham. She spoke on the subject of “What’s in a name? The contested meaning of free, prior and informed consent in international financial law and indigenous rights”. Her presentation was based on her recently published book chapter of the same name, published in Culture and International Economic Law (ed. Valentina Vadi and Bruno de Witte, Routledge, 2015).
Professor Susan Edwards took part in a debate on “Rape culture: menace or myth?” in the 2015 Battle of Ideas at the Barbican (18 October 2015).
Professor Anthony Glees spoke at a conference on Extremism and Higher Education at the Institute of Advanced Study at the University of London and debated legislation and freedom of speech at the University of Cambridge’s ‘Festival of Ideas’ (October 2015).
Dr Adriano Aymonino spoke at the Georgian Group’s symposium on Robert Adam and His Brothers (23-24 September 2015). His paper was entitled “Robert Adam and the birth of the ‘true style of antique decoration’: the interiors at Kedleston Hall and their antiquarian sources”. Read more.
Dr Pete Orford delivered a keynote address on 18 September 2015 at the Charles Dickens Museum, London, as part of the Dickens and Drama Symposium, with a rare staging of Charles Dickens’ play Is She His Wife?
Dr Adriano Aymonino was co-organiser of a conference at the Courtauld Institute of Art on 14 September 2015: Artists & the Classical Ideal: from Workshop to Humanity. He gave a paper at the conference on “The Antique and the Teaching of Art from the Workshop to the Academy”. Read more.
Dr Sarah Sargent presented a paper on 1 April 2015 in the Art, Culture and Heritage Stream of the annual Socio-Legal Scholars Association (SLSA) conference, hosted this year by the University of Warwick. Her paper was entitled “The Horse Culture of “Cowboys and Indians”: Cultural Heritage, Stereotypes and Safeguarding”. She was also the stream convener for the Indigenous and Minority Rights Stream, and chaired 2 panels of presentations on 2 April.
Dr Adriano Aymonino and Jonathan Yarker (Lowell Libson) gave a paper on “Theory and practice of art in France and Britain in the long 18th century” on 28 February 2015 as part of View, A Festival of Art History, at the Institut Français, London. Dr Aymonino spoke at the William Shipley Group Symposium on Drawing: A Pre-eminent Skill (27 March) on “The Antique in British workshops and academies before the foundation of the Royal Academy: theory and practice”.
Dr Barbara Lasic spoke on “The evolution and dissemination of draped ‘tent rooms’ in France, 1770-1840″ at the Decorative Arts and Phenomenology Conference (Kellogg College, University of Oxford, 4 December 2014.) and on “De Bons Citoyens: John and Josephine Bowes’ collecting of French revolutionary ephemera” in the History of Collecting and Displays Seminar Series (Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London, 2 February 2015).
Dr Philip Fine attended the joint ICMPC-APSCOM 2014, held in Seoul, South Korea. This is the International Symposium on Performance Science hosted by the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. He gave two oral presentations and one poster presentation there.
Dr Sarah Sargent was invited to speak at the Stanford Archaeology Centre, at Stanford University, California on 28 May 2014. She spoke on the topic of “The Horse Culture of the American Indians: Past, Present and Future”, considering legal aspects of preservation of intangible cultural heritage and international human rights.
Mr Nigel Adams was invited to give a Best Practice Paper about his experience developing and running the Business Enterprise programme at the 9th EFMD Entrepreneurship Education Conference, Babson College, Boston, USA, on 24 February 2014. On 25 February he took part in a Westminster Higher Education Forum debate with Rt Hon. the Lord Young and others: Supporting student and graduate enterprise. He also gave a paper at the Association of Business Schools’ Marketing Business and Management Education conference (27-28 February)
Dr Sarah Sargent presented a paper on the protection of the rights of minority and indigenous children in intercountry adoption at the University of London, at the UK Network on Minority Groups and Human Rights Annual Conference on 28 October 2013. On 12 December she was invited to speak at a round table discussion hosted by Minority Rights Group International at the University of London: Reducing inequalities in minority and indigenous health: Rights, participation and the post-MDG framework. Dr Sargent spoke on issues of healthcare and healthcare access for minority children.
Professor John Drew gave a paper to the Central Branch of the international Dickens Fellowship in Bloomsbury, London, on the Dickens Journals Online Project (19 September 2013).
Dr Nick Cambridge, Honorary Research Fellow in Humanities and the History of Medicine, gave a paper to the 25th Congress of the British Society for the History of Medicine (Canterbury, 29-31 August 2013), on the topic “From Great Ormond Street Hospital to the Tooting Cholera Disaster: Charles Dickens and Medicine”.
Professor John Drew and Research Fellows Dr Tony Williams and Dr Nick Cambridge presented papers on 9 July 2013 at the Association of Medical Humanities Global Health Humanities conference in Aberdeen. Professor Drew and Dr Williams also gave lectures in the evening at the Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen, where the English and Digital Media Department’s ‘Charles Dickens and the Mid-Victorian Press’ travelling exhibition is on display until 24 August. Professor Drew also gave a paper entitled “Is there a Digital ‘Cheap Edition’?” at the Institute of English Studies’ Digital Victorians seminar at Senate House, University of London, on 29 June.
Dr Sarah Sargent gave a presentation at a conference hosted by Maastricht University on Culture and International Economic Law (20 June 2013): “What’s in a Name? The Contested Meaning of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in International Financial Law and Indigenous Rights.”
Professor Anthony Glees represented BUCSIS at the Ninth Annual Conference of the International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) meeting at El Paso University in Texas (20-23 May 2013), giving talks on the work that BUCSIS does as well as on the current and future challenges facing intelligence education and training in the UK. In June Anthony Glees attended the European Ideas Network summer conference in Porto, Portugal, where he spoke on security policy and in July he gave a talk at Wilton Park, the Foreign Office conference centre in Sussex, to the British German Forum on the future of Europe and on a similar theme to the European Academy in London.
Dr Julian Richards represented BUCSIS at the annual convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), in San Francisco (3-6 April 2013). He delivered papers on links between intelligence analysis and cognitive psychology; on the training and professionalisation of intelligence analysts; and acted as a discussant on a panel concerning risk management strategies.
Dr Valentina Kostadinova presented a paper called “Saudi-EU Relations: Recent Impediments, Current Trends and Future Options” at the Geography Department Seminar, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 March 2013. She gave a paper entitled “What is the Status of the EU-GCC Relationship?” at a workshop in Doha organised by Qatar University’s Gulf Research Centre and the Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Promoting an EU-GCC Dialogue on Foreign Policy Issues, on 29-30 April 2013.
Dr Sarah Sargent was invited to give a presentation in one of a series of seminars that are part of the David Price Memorial Seminar Series: Faith, Belief and Healthcare Law. She spoke at a seminar whose theme was The Influence of Faith and Belief on the Formulation, Content and Operation of Health Law in the United Kingdom, held 29-30 April 2013 at Nottingham Trent University. Dr Sargent’s paper “Traditions and Challenges: Healthcare for Indigenous and Minority Children in the 21st century” focused on the need for health care delivery to develop an integrative approach that is cognisant of differing cultural meanings and contexts of health and health care. Dr Sargent gave a presentation on 24 March 2013 as part of the Maastricht University seminar on Art and Heritage Dispute. She was invited to be part of the opening panel of speakers. Her presentation focused on elements of intangible cultural heritage and dispute resolution mechanisms through an examination of the horse culture of the indigenous peoples of the American Plains. She examined dispute resolution mechanisms of the Inter-American system of human rights and the UN system of human rights. Dr Sargent also gave a paper entitled “Saving Pe Sla: Sustainable Self-determination and Indigenous Activism in a post-UNDRIP World” at the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) annual conference at York (26-28 March 2013) and chaired panels in the Indigenous and Minority Rights stream.
Dr Francis Grimal was discussant at the International Law Association’s British Branch on Nuclear Weapons, Non-Proliferation and Contemporary International Law ‘Round Table 3’ on International Law, Nuclear Energy, and Nuclear Weapons in London, 15 February 2013.
Professor Susan Edwards presented a paper to the Annual Conference of the Association of Sri Lankan Lawyers UK on Sunday 28 October 2012 at Manor House, London. The paper was entitled “The regulation of religious symbols in the workplace”.
Dr Sarah Sargent was a participant at a round table hosted by Baroness Lola Young of Hornsby and organised by the NSPCC on 16 October 2012 in London. The round table discussed the merits of proposed legislative changes to remove the current requirement that due consideration should be given to a child’s cultural and ethnic background in the adoption process. Dr Sargent’s recent research on inter-racial adoption laws published in the Denning Law Journal in 2011 was cited in the briefing paper prepared for the round table.