South and South East Asia Security Research Centre (SSEASRC)
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The South and South East Asia region is undoubtedly one of the most dynamic, exciting and challenging regions on the globe. Home to some of the most populous nations on earth, the region offers spectacular economic potential. At the same time, rising nationalism and state assertiveness, coupled with persistent issues of ideological extremism and economic adversity, make this region one of the most talked-about in Security Studies. It is no accident that phrases such as “Indo-Pacific” and “Asia-Pacific” increasingly punctuate discussion at all levels about national and regional security strategy and policy.
The SSEASRC builds on the reputation of the University of Buckingham’s Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) in developing scholarly analysis of the highest levels of the security environment in the South and South East Asia region. The aim is to inform citizens, policy-makers and partners alike of the best approaches to solving the security challenge, based on a deep, empirical and objective analysis of the contemporary situation on the ground.
Like its sister research hub, the ASRC, the SSEASRC acts as a hub for dialogue and analysis of this dynamic security environment, by bringing together a network of researchers and commentators within and beyond the region. Our activities include the production of high-quality scholarly analyses; the hosting of symposia and discussion workshops; and the development of educational activities including new academic programmes, and the sponsoring of doctoral projects.
Our board of associates:
- Professor Julian Richards – Director of BUCSIS
- Dr Muhammad Tahir Mahmood – Research Fellow, BUCSIS
- Dr Tanvi Pate – BUCSIS
- Barrister Amjad Malik – BUCSIS Associate
- Dr Melina Dobson – BUCSIS
- Dr Ian Stanier – BUCSIS
For enquiries about any of our activities, please contact Professor Julian Richards.