Global Security & Intelligence Notes (GSIN)
In the complex, unpredictable and interconnected environment of contemporary geopolitics, the dimensions of security and intelligence have acquired critical importance towards the sustainment of political and economic stability in international affairs.
The brief hiatus of post-Cold War unipolarity, which encouraged multilateral cooperation and bolstered the forces of globalisation, would soon be undermined by multiple geostrategic challenges that would have consequential implications on global security. Pivotal events in the international scene – accelerated by catalysts such as religious fundamentalism, overpopulation and poverty, climatic change, pandemics, populism, isolationism and other variables – would disrupt the status quo in favour of uncertainty and asymmetric multipolarity.
The economic and strategic rise of China, the revival of Russian geopolitical ambitions, the spread of terrorism, the waves of irregular migration, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the undermining of liberal democracy by foreign powers through disruption, including hybrid and cyber interferences, are among the threats that challenge, today, global security and stability.
The establishment of GSIN
In the context of inter-disciplinary, policy-oriented research over these pressing issues, The University of Buckingham Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) introduces the electronic series Global Security and Intelligence Notes (GSIN). The series aims at encouraging critical analysis of contemporary security and intelligence affairs and at contributing to the wider dialogue, among scholars, government officials, experts and other professionals, with a view towards advancing cutting edge policy recommendations to the most critical global security and intelligence challenges.
It envisages the publication of original, unpublished, papers by established scholars as well as emerging researchers, on a variety of contemporary questions, including:
- Collective security
- Hybrid threats
- Terrorism
- Cyber security
- Intelligence studies
- Unconventional warfare
- Human security
- Public surveillance
- Questions pertaining to the disciplines of Security and Intelligence Studies.
Each issue will be dedicated to the analytical paper of a single author. Papers may be published by personal invitation or by submission of a proposal by potential contributors, consisting of the title, an abstract of 150-250 words and a brief biography of up to 300 words. Submissions must be consistent with the GSIN Submission Guidelines and should not exceed 12,000 words (excluding footnotes).
Proposal submissions
For further information and proposal submissions, please contact the Co-Editors: