Name of Programme
BA (Hons) International Relations with integrated Foundation
Final Award
BA (Hons)
Awarding Institution/Body
University Of Buckingham
Teaching Institution
University Of Buckingham
School of Study
School of Humanities and Social Sciences [Economics and International Studies]
Programme Code(s)
UBAF0SIR / Full Time / 3 Years
Professional Body Accreditation
Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement (SBS)
QAA SBS: Economics (2015)
QAA SBS: Law (2015)
QAA SBS: Law (2015)
Admission Criteria
Satisfactory completion of year 12 (or equivalent)
GCSE: maths and English C/4
IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component)
GCSE: maths and English C/4
IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component)
Applicable Cohort(s)
September 2023
FHEQ Level
Summary of Programme
The three-year BA in International Relations is designed for students who need additional preparation prior to undergraduate level study. The first year of the programme is intended to provide a foundation in both knowledge and academic skills for the more specialist subjects in years two and three. Students’ progression onto the BA International programme is subject to regulations for the Foundation Stage of three-year degree programmes.
An important feature of the modern world which is widely recognised and commented upon by businesspeople, journalists, politicians, diplomats, teachers and virtually anyone with the alertness to look about them, is its increasing inter-dependence and ‘internationalisation’. Your ability to read this message on the World Wide Web is itself a manifestation of the power of ideas to transcend national boundaries with great rapidity and at low cost. Technology has proved to be an agent which encourages co-operation across national boundaries. Technological developments in transport, telecommunications and computing have encouraged economic changes such as the decline in barriers to trade, the internationalisation of financial markets, the rise of global companies, and a massive increase in the volume of international trade in goods and services. These trends have been accompanied by political developments such as the rise of regional trading groupings of countries, international efforts to agree about common legal and technical rules to govern business dealings, arguments about ‘tax competition’ between countries, as well as increasing concern about the environmental consequences associated with world economic development. Enormous social tensions arise as these international forces come into conflict with long established ways of doing things in every country. Political and social systems are in a continuous process of adjustment to an increasingly open world.
The International Relations programme at Buckingham gives you an opportunity to learn about these fundamental problems. With students coming to Buckingham from over 80 countries, it is an ideal environment to learn about matters of international concern and to discuss them with people from differing cultural backgrounds. The programme is inter-disciplinary and covers economic, political, legal, historical and cultural dimensions. Graduates from the International Relations programme will have acquired a knowledge of economics sufficient to analyse and understand the global marketplace; a familiarity with political systems in a range of different countries; and a good historical understanding of how the international framework has evolved over time.
Students wishing to pursue careers in the media, journalism, international business, politics, diplomacy or education should find the programme very attractive for their first degree.
An important feature of the modern world which is widely recognised and commented upon by businesspeople, journalists, politicians, diplomats, teachers and virtually anyone with the alertness to look about them, is its increasing inter-dependence and ‘internationalisation’. Your ability to read this message on the World Wide Web is itself a manifestation of the power of ideas to transcend national boundaries with great rapidity and at low cost. Technology has proved to be an agent which encourages co-operation across national boundaries. Technological developments in transport, telecommunications and computing have encouraged economic changes such as the decline in barriers to trade, the internationalisation of financial markets, the rise of global companies, and a massive increase in the volume of international trade in goods and services. These trends have been accompanied by political developments such as the rise of regional trading groupings of countries, international efforts to agree about common legal and technical rules to govern business dealings, arguments about ‘tax competition’ between countries, as well as increasing concern about the environmental consequences associated with world economic development. Enormous social tensions arise as these international forces come into conflict with long established ways of doing things in every country. Political and social systems are in a continuous process of adjustment to an increasingly open world.
The International Relations programme at Buckingham gives you an opportunity to learn about these fundamental problems. With students coming to Buckingham from over 80 countries, it is an ideal environment to learn about matters of international concern and to discuss them with people from differing cultural backgrounds. The programme is inter-disciplinary and covers economic, political, legal, historical and cultural dimensions. Graduates from the International Relations programme will have acquired a knowledge of economics sufficient to analyse and understand the global marketplace; a familiarity with political systems in a range of different countries; and a good historical understanding of how the international framework has evolved over time.
Students wishing to pursue careers in the media, journalism, international business, politics, diplomacy or education should find the programme very attractive for their first degree.
Educational Aims of the Programme
Year one:
1. To equip students to become independent learners, facilitating the successful continuation of their studies in years two and three.
2. To develop students’ ability to construct and communicate logical arguments clearly.
3. To help students acquire and practise strategies for effective reading and for academic vocabulary development.
4. To provide opportunities for students to develop academic skills.
5. To train students in language awareness.
6. To encourage students to develop general study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently using a variety of source materials.
7. To stimulate engagement and participation in the learning process.
Years two & three:
1. To provide students with the opportunity to study a set of social-science disciplines including history, politics and economics.
2. To provide coherence to the programme by focusing on matters of international concern including international trade and development, comparative political systems, international relations and contemporary international history.
3. To create an environment in which students can investigate issues of international concern using the skills and knowledge acquired from the separate disciplines.
4. To create a forum in which inter-disciplinary discussion can take place and students can assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches.
1. To equip students to become independent learners, facilitating the successful continuation of their studies in years two and three.
2. To develop students’ ability to construct and communicate logical arguments clearly.
3. To help students acquire and practise strategies for effective reading and for academic vocabulary development.
4. To provide opportunities for students to develop academic skills.
5. To train students in language awareness.
6. To encourage students to develop general study skills, particularly including the ability to learn independently using a variety of source materials.
7. To stimulate engagement and participation in the learning process.
Years two & three:
1. To provide students with the opportunity to study a set of social-science disciplines including history, politics and economics.
2. To provide coherence to the programme by focusing on matters of international concern including international trade and development, comparative political systems, international relations and contemporary international history.
3. To create an environment in which students can investigate issues of international concern using the skills and knowledge acquired from the separate disciplines.
4. To create a forum in which inter-disciplinary discussion can take place and students can assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches.
Programme Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
Year 1:On successful completion of year 1 students should be able to:
1. Use English effectively for academic study.
2. Demonstrate the use of sources of information.
3. Demonstrate a knowledge of the structures, functions, processes and cultures pertaining to a range of social organisations.
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the external environment within which organisations operate, including the political, social, economic and technological contexts at both national and international levels.
5. Demonstrate a knowledge and awareness of basic concepts in International Relations.
6. Gain awareness of and familiarity with university study environment.
7. Gain familiarity with fundamental facts, concepts, theories, principles and methodologies.
Years 2 and 3:
1. Understand economic principles and their application to problems of international concern.
2. Appreciate the historical roots of the modern international system.
3. Understand basic concepts of normative and positive political analysis.
4. Acquire knowledge of political systems of major regions including the US, Europe, Greater China and Japan.
5. Understand alternative approaches to International Relations.
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Year 1:The programme will be delivered with a combination of lectures, seminars and small group tutorials, and with practical classes as appropriate. Teaching is supported using module texts and journal articles. The use of IT is embedded across the curriculum Understanding is reinforced by support from tutors in the form of comments based on their assignment answers (ILO: 1-7).
Years 2 and 3:
1. Structured lecture courses in the various areas.
2. Small group tutorials.
3. Essay writing.
4. Inter-disciplinary discussion groups.
Assessment Strategy
Year 1:Examinations which typically comprise 50% of a module total are the main means of assessing knowledge. Coursework assignments are also used to address key topics within particular domains. Tutorial Contributions that typically comprise 10% of a module total.
Years 2 and 3:
1. Methods of assessment may vary between courses.
2. In general 20 per cent of the available marks accrue to coursework and 80 per cent are awarded for performance in a written examination.
3. A written project can substitute for one 15-unit course.
4. Performance in a discussion group is assessed and may count for up to 20 per cent of the available marks.
Programme Outcomes
Cognitive Skills
Year 1:On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to:
1. Analyse problems, sifting the irrelevant from the relevant, and expressing the results in both written and oral forms.
2. Evaluate proposed solutions using appropriate methods.
3. Integrate knowledge and skills from various sources into a coherent whole, making appropriate abstractions.
4. Synthesise arguments from underlying premises to produce overall conclusions.
5. Demonstrate a heightened awareness of differences in culture, historical context, values and political structures.
6. Present acquired knowledge from various sources.
7. Conduct logical reasoning, logical thinking and drawing sensible conclusions.
8. Build an evidence-based argument and improve the quality of argument.
9. Gathering and evaluating information on new technologies from primary and reliable sources.
10. Identifying problems and specifying requirements for new solutions.
Years 2 and 3:
1. Improve powers of analysis and deductive reasoning.
2. Gain awareness of the uses and limitations of abstraction and model building.
3. Demonstrate appreciation of the complexity of international problems.
4. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between useful abstraction and misleading oversimplification.
5. Achieve heightened awareness of differences in culture, historical context, values and political structures.
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Year 1:The principles are discussed in the module texts, lectures and seminars, with examples given to aid understanding of the processes involved. The students are also provided with practical activities to develop cognitive skills, utilising case study materials. Assignments are designed to demonstrate the skills of analysis, evaluation and integration. The essays and projects are extended opportunities for students to further develop and be assessed on these skills.
Years 2 and 3:
1. Courses in different disciplines reinforce each other.
2. Feedback on essay technique.
Assessment Strategy
Year 1:The principles are discussed in the module texts, lectures and seminars, with many examples given to aid understanding of the processes involved. The students are also provided with practical activities to develop cognitive skills, utilising case study materials other authentic materials. Assignments are designed to demonstrate the skills of analysis, evaluation and integration. The essays and projects are extended opportunities for students to further develop and be assessed on these skills (CS: 1-5).
Years 2 and 3:
1. Methods of assessment may vary between courses.
2. In general 20 per cent of the available marks accrue to coursework and 80 per cent are awarded for performance in a written examination.
3. A written dissertation can substitute for up to 30-unit module.
4. Performance in a discussion group is assessed and may count for up to 20 per cent of the available marks.
Programme Outcomes
Practical/Transferable Skills
Year 1:1. Effectively communicate about psychological topics.
2. Effectively use communication and information technology.
3. Conduct research into international studies topics either individually or as part of a team for projects/dissertations/ presentations.
4. Analyse data and present the analysis results.
5. Time management.
6. Effectively present information in written and oral forms and communicate successfully with a variety of audiences.
7. Effectively gather, filter and critically evaluate information.
8. Produce individual work and undertake self-directed learning of new knowledge for education and professional development.
9. Work as a part of a team and recognise the roles to play within the team.
Years 2 and 3
1. Deploy reasoned argument both verbally and in writing.
2. Apply key economic concepts to problems of international concern.
3. Organise time and work independently.
4. Locate and use information from international sources.
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Year 1:1. Students will be required to write and present assignments both as individuals and in groups.
2. Students will be given the opportunity to apply knowledge to solve practical problems.
3. Students will be exposed to a variety of workshops and practical exercises helping to develop numeracy and IT skills.
4. Students will be required to exercise research skills in preparation for classroom exercises.
5. Students will be encouraged to use Moodle and other online resources to aid learning, effectively present information and develop IT skills.
Years 2 and 3:
1. Small group tutorials.
2. Essay writing.
3. Use of discussion groups.
4. Preparation for weekly tutorials in the various courses.
5. Submission of written coursework.
Assessment Strategy
1. Methods of assessment may vary between courses and between the foundation and the UG stages.2. In general 20 per cent of the available marks accrue to coursework and 80 per cent are awarded for performance in a written examination for the UG stage. In the foundation stage, coursework normally accounts for 40% and written examinations account for the remaining 60%.
3. A written project can substitute for up to 30-unit module.
4. Performance in a discussion group is assessed and may count for up to 20 per cent of the available marks.
External Reference Points
• Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (Link);
• Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement(s) (Link).
• Relevant Subject Benchmark Statement(s) (Link).
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each course unit/module can be found in the departmental or programme handbook. The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by the University of Buckingham and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.
Date of Production
November 2022
Date approved by School Learning and Teaching Committee
November 2022
Date approved by School Board of Study
November 2022
Date approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee
To report Winter 2023
Date of Annual Review
In line with the university's Annual Monitoring review process
BA (Hons) International Relations with integrated Foundation
UBAF0SIR / Full Time / January Entry
Term 1
Key Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKASK)
Global Perspectives [L3/10U] (FFFGLOP)
Introduction to Political Communication [L3/10U] (FFFIPCO)
Digital Skills [L3/10U] (FFFDIGS)
Term 2
Academic Writing Skills [L3/10U] (FFFACWS)
Critical Thinking [L3/10U] (FFFCRTH)
Britain Since 1945: Changing Roles [L3/10U] (FFFBSCR)
One of:
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U]
The English Legal System [L3/10U] (FBHSFNDHU2)
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U]
The English Legal System [L3/10U] (FBHSFNDHU2)
Term 3
Research Skills [L3/10U] (FFFRSKS)
Advanced Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFADAS)
International Studies [L3/10U] (FFFINST)
Foundations of International Human Rights Law [L3/10U] (FFFIHRL)
Foundation Examinations
Term 4
Introduction to Political Theory [L4/15U] (HUFINPT)
Diplomacy in the Modern Age [L4/15U] (HUFDPMA)
US Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War Era [L5/15U] (HUFUSPC)
Preliminary Examinations
Term 5
Foundations of Global Security [L4/15U] (HUFFOGS)
Issues in World Politics [L4/15U] (HUFIIWP)
Cyber Challenges [L4/15U] (HUFCYCH)
Term 6
Government and Politics of the UK and the US [L4/15U] (HUFGVPL)
Politics of Latin America [L5/15U] (HUFPLAM)
Development and Security [L4/15U] (HUFDSEC)
Preliminary and Part 1 Examinations
Term 7
Political Communication [L4/15U] (HUFPLC4)
Comparative Politics Iran and Russia [L5/15U] (HUFCPI5)
Foreign Policy Group Project [L5/15U] (HUFFPGP)
Term 8
International Relations: Theories and Concepts [L6/15U] (HUFIRTC)
Conflict, Crisis and Strategic Decision-Making [L6/30U] (HUFCCSD)
Cuban Politics [L6/15U] (HUFCPOL)
Part 1 and Part 2 Stage 1 Examinations
Term 9
Politics of the Middle East - Issues and Themes [L5/15U] (HUFPOME)
One of:
Freedom [L5/15U]
Genetics and Society [L6/15U] (IRXXXPHIP2)
Freedom [L5/15U]
Genetics and Society [L6/15U] (IRXXXPHIP2)
Global Security and International Law [L6/15U] (HUFGSIL)
Term 10
The European Union in the International System [L6/15U] (HUFEUI6)
Government and Politics of China [L6/15U] (HUFGVPC)
Political Psychology [L6/15U] (HUFPLPS)
Part 2 Stage 1 and 2 Examinations
Term 11
International Relations Simulation [L6/15U] (HUFIRSI)
Dissertation (International Relations) [L6/30U] (HUFD31T)
Part 2 Stage 2 Examinations
BA (Hons) International Relations with integrated Foundation
UBAF0SIR / Full Time / September Entry
Term 1
Key Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFKASK)
Global Perspectives [L3/10U] (FFFGLOP)
Digital Skills [L3/10U] (FFFDIGS)
Introduction to Political Communication [L3/10U] (FFFIPCO)
Term 2
Academic Writing Skills [L3/10U] (FFFACWS)
Critical Thinking [L3/10U] (FFFCRTH)
Foundations of International Human Rights Law [L3/10U] (FFFIHRL)
International Studies [L3/10U] (FFFINST)
Term 3
Advanced Academic Skills [L3/10U] (FFFADAS)
Research Skills [L3/10U] (FFFRSKS)
Britain Since 1945: Changing Roles [L3/10U] (FFFBSCR)
One of:
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U]
The English Legal System [L3/10U] (FBHSFNDHU2)
The Economic Environment of Business [L3/10U]
The English Legal System [L3/10U] (FBHSFNDHU2)
Term 4
Introduction to Political Theory [L4/15U] (HUFINPT)
Diplomacy in the Modern Age [L4/15U] (HUFDPMA)
US Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War Era [L5/15U] (HUFUSPC)
Preliminary Examinations
Term 5
Foundations of Global Security [L4/15U] (HUFFOGS)
Issues in World Politics [L4/15U] (HUFIIWP)
Cyber Challenges [L4/15U] (HUFCYCH)
Term 6
Government and Politics of the UK and the US [L4/15U] (HUFGVPL)
Politics of Latin America [L5/15U] (HUFPLAM)
Development and Security [L4/15U] (HUFDSEC)
Preliminary and Part 1 Examinations
Term 7
Political Communication [L4/15U] (HUFPLC4)
Comparative Politics Iran and Russia [L5/15U] (HUFCPI5)
Foreign Policy Group Project [L5/15U] (HUFFPGP)
Term 8
International Relations: Theories and Concepts [L6/15U] (HUFIRTC)
Conflict, Crisis and Strategic Decision-Making [L6/30U] (HUFCCSD)
Cuban Politics [L6/15U] (HUFCPOL)
Part 1 and Part 2 Stage 1 Examinations
Term 9
Politics of the Middle East - Issues and Themes [L5/15U] (HUFPOME)
One of:
Freedom [L5/15U]
Genetics and Society [L6/15U] (IRXXXPHIP2)
Freedom [L5/15U]
Genetics and Society [L6/15U] (IRXXXPHIP2)
Global Security and International Law [L6/15U] (HUFGSIL)
Term 10
The European Union in the International System [L6/15U] (HUFEUI6)
Government and Politics of China [L6/15U] (HUFGVPC)
Political Psychology [L6/15U] (HUFPLPS)
Part 2 Stage 1 and 2 Examinations
Term 11
International Relations Simulation [L6/15U] (HUFIRSI)
Dissertation (International Relations) [L6/30U] (HUFD31T)