Talk by Professor Nuno Carvalho, University of Aveiro

27 April 2016

The Applied Computing Department welcomed Professor Nuno Carvalho from the University of Aveiro in Portugal (Telecommunications Institute – Electronics Department – Telecommunications and Computing) to give an invited talk and to explore avenues for collaborative research. Professor Carvalho presented to our staff and postgraduate students the research at his department and his team’s latest research work on sustainable electronic sensors and wireless power transfer.

Nuno Carvalho April 2016

Professor Carvalho also listened to five presentations from Dr Lami’s students about their research projects (clustering techniques for IoT networks, Mobile Cloud offloading, media access of cognitive networks, smartphone crowd control and contactless card authentication). He made helpful comments and proposed to establish a collaboration with his research team. He was very impressed with the research activities of the Department and encouraged us to publish in top rated journals and conferences. The two departments will enter into an Erasmus agreement to facilitate staff and students exchange between Buckingham and Aveiro.

Further details about the projects can be discussed with Dr Ihsan Lami:

Nuno Carvalho visit April 2016

Kim Corthouts (Applied Computing Intern)