Introduction into CISCO
29 October 2019
On Friday 25 October, Dr Hisham Al-Assam introduced preliminary and first year students to CISCO, providing them with the opportunity to develop their skills in programming, cyber security and networking.
CISCO provides world coverage in Information Technologies, Networking and Cybersecurity, providing users with access and transferability of information regardless of digital or time restrictions. The courses provided by CISCO give students the opportunity to develop fundamental skills in networking, security, Internet of Things and programming, amongst many other subjects, where it can be incorporated within their studies or future employment.
Karell Mutombo, a BSc Computing student as The University of Buckingham, described the Introduction to CISCO as “a great opportunity for students who are interested in networking”.
Senior Lecturer, Dr Hisham Al-Assam said “We are excited about the opportunities brought by the partnership with CISCO, the worldwide leader in IT, networking and cybersecurity solutions. Being an official CISCO Networking Academy, we are now able to offer our students access to high quality curricula and learning tools to broaden and deepen the knowledge of our graduates in various computing subjects. The partnership also offers upskilling opportunities to staff members in cybersecurity and networking via the CISCO instructor training programme.”
If you are a current or prospective student for the School of Computing and would like further information regarding the CISCO courses be provide, please contact: hisham.al-assam@buckingham.ac.uk or amy.barnes@buckingham.ac.uk.
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