Her Excellency MP Basma Abdul Karim Mubarak with The University of Buckingham academics and Vice-Chancellor

Her Excellency MP Basma Abdul Karim Mubarak visits The University of Buckingham

27 September 2024

The University of Buckingham was delighted to host Her Excellency MP Basma Abdul Karim Mubarak on Friday 6 September.

The visit was arranged to discuss the possibility of a new online course for Bahraini politicians with the University’s Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS), and included a visit to the Clore Lab for discussions on building a collaboration in Bahrain for research.

Her Excellency MP Basma Abdul Karim Mubarak sits on the council of representatives in the Kingdom of Bahrain and holds interests in international protocol and etiquette as well human resources management, development and training.

Professor Mohamed S. Zaibi, Director of Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences explained:

“The visit will foster and promote collaboration between The University of Buckingham and the Kingdom of Bahrain higher education institutions, such as the development of co-operative efforts in medical education and health sciences research, artificial intelligence and new technologies, humanities, apprenticeships, business, as well as the exchange of students and staff between both countries.”

Professor Julian Richards, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences and Director of BUCSIS said:

“We are delighted to explore the possibility of tailoring high-level courses to the needs of a new generation of political leaders in this – one of the most strategically important regions in the world. To that end, we are very excited that Her Excellency, Basma Mubarak MP chose to visit us and discuss how we might be able to help.”