Governance Effectiveness Review Update – October 2024

7 October 2024

The University of Buckingham announced the completion of a detailed independent governance effectiveness review in December 2023, conducted by The Halpin Partnership, which led to a number of improvements being proposed for consideration.

Previous updates have been published regarding progress made in the delivery of Phases 1 and 2 of the improvement programme. September saw the end of the third of six planned phases of implementation being overseen by a Steering Group of Council members.

Set out below is a summary of improvements delivered in Phase 3 (July to September 2024):

  • Development began on a Code of Conduct for adoption by Council which would set out the standards expected of its members.
  • The Codes of Governance of the Committee of University Chairs and Independent HE were compared, with a proposal intended to be taken to Council’s meeting in October to consider the formal adoption of the IHE Code of Governance and the content of a statement which would, if approved, be published on the University’s website setting out our compliance with the Code.
  • A survey was issued enabling members of Senate to provide their views on the quality of communications and collaboration between it and Council, as a means of enabling improvements to be made, where required.
  • A survey of external stakeholders was being progressed as a means of gaining greater insight into the perception of the University.
  • The Vice-Chancellor and some other members of the Executive would undertake training to ensure they were up to date with UK fundraising law and the requirements of HE regulators. A repository of fundraising guidance was also compiled for trustees to support them in this area of their role.

Phase 4 of the implementation plan runs from October to December and below is a summary of the various improvements that will be considered:

  • The review, and where required, creation of job descriptions for Council members including those holding specific roles (i.e. committee chairs).
  • A survey seeking views on the data requirements of Council members to support their meetings going forward.
  • A series of Senate-led presentations to be delivered to Council on academic assurance to enable Council to continue to build its knowledge of academic quality, the importance of maintaining standards, the processes involved and its responsibilities with regards to oversight of academic assurance.
  • The continuing development of a University Inclusion Strategy, with KPIs to enable Council to hold senior leadership to account for progress in this area.
  • The collection of diversity data for Council members to inform future trustee recruitment.
  • The engagement of an external facilitator to present to Council and the Executive on positive and constructive challenge as a means of creating a shared understanding in this area.
  • Deeper engagement by Council with University students, including the opportunity for students to present annually on specific topics at a Council meeting.

Further updates on progress will be provided at the appropriate time.

If you have any enquiries regarding governance at The University of Buckingham, please contact our Secretary of Council: