FCLP Climate Sustainability Awareness Month Campaign Report

6 September 2024

Led by Dr Cynthia C. Umezulike and Dr Obinna C. Edeji, the Faculty of Computing, Law, and Psychology (FCLP) dedicated the month of August to raising awareness and educating our community on the critical issues of climate change and building a sustainable future. The Climate Sustainability Awareness Campaign was a powerful initiative designed to inspire the public, students, and faculty alike to understand the profound impact of climate change and take individualised action to foster a sustainable future.

Below is a summary of the weekly events that marked this transformative month.

Rose Heathcote giving a presentationWeek 1: Climate Sustainability Workshop

The first week set the tone with a workshop led by the seasoned expert and Thinking People Senior Advisor, Rose Heathcote. With her insightful presentation, she moved us beyond climate change rhetoric, challenging us to translate words into meaningful actions. Emphasising that “green is the new gold,” Rose discussed real-world examples of environmental degradation and highlighted proactive steps to counteract these issues.

She inspired us with a powerful quote from Rumi, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.” This call to personal responsibility resonated deeply, encouraging everyone present to begin their journey of change from within. The workshop motivated and equipped participants to make a tangible difference in the fight for climate sustainability.

Week 2: Climate Sustainability Awareness March

Week 2 kicked off with a seminar by Dr Cynthia Umezulike on the historical, legal, and social action significance of marches and protests. She stated that marches amplify the voices of the marginalised and are the driving force behind change-making movements—equating to sowing a mustard seed that generates powerful transformations.

Participants wrote down their action plan for reducing carbon emissions on placards and took to the streets in a symbolic march demonstrating our collective commitment to a sustainable future.

As we walked from the Franciscan Building at Verney Park to the Vinson Building on Hunter Street, the placards showed powerful messages advocating for a greener planet.

This peaceful march was a powerful statement urging all who participated to become proactive advocates, not just in words but in their daily actions, to protect our planet.

Week 3: Inaugural Tree Planting

The inaugural tree planting exercise took place at Verney Park Campus. Dr Obinna Edeji opened the event with an enlightening talk on the importance of tree planting in the ecosystem – a symbolic act of renewal and hope. He highlighted afforestation’s vital role in combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Trees do more than beautify our surroundings; they are essential in mitigating climate impacts by providing shade, reducing wind damage, and absorbing carbon emissions. In a closing remark, the Dean of FCLP, Professor Harin Sellahewa, called the exercise “meaningful and crucial”, noting the importance of taking small positive actions daily towards offsetting carbon emissions, which benefits us today and future generations. Mr Paul who prepared the ground to plant the tree spoke of best practices to follow when planting a tree. The tree planting exercise was a resounding success, thanks to the support of the Estate team of the University and the presence of the staff and students from the Schools of Computing, Law and Psychology.

Week 4: Individualised Action Report

The final week was a celebration of students’ actions to reduce their carbon footprints. It was truly inspiring to hear the reports: two students who previously drove separately now carpool and walk between campuses to minimise emissions; others have chosen to wear their existing clothes instead of buying new ones.

One student, moved by the first week’s workshop, opted for a refurbished phone over a new one to reduce electronic waste. Others also mentioned that they decided to walk more instead of picking taxis on campus and switch to using recyclable products daily.

Following these heartfelt declarations, we gathered for a “Green Lunch,” where every detail, from the food served to the recyclable utensils—reflected our commitment to sustainability.

In his closing remarks, Professor Harin, Dean of the School of Computing, Law and Psychology, expressed his pride in the students’ actions and encouraged everyone to continue this vital work.


The Climate Sustainability month was a remarkable success, thanks to the collective efforts of staff and students at The University of Buckingham’s Faculty of Computing, Law, and Psychology.

The campaign has informed and educated us and inspired meaningful action, proving that together, we can make a lasting impact on the planet. Let’s continue building on this momentum, striving daily to create a more sustainable future for all.