Exterior view of Madingley Hall

BUCSIS hosts the first British Intelligence Studies Society conference

30 May 2024

The Buckingham University Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (BUCSIS) organised the first British Intelligence Studies Society conference.

The key conference organisers’ Dr Melina Dobson and Dr Tanvi Pate pulled together a series of excellent presentations from leading academics and practitioners across a range of intelligence issues.

Group of people gathered in stately room of Madingley Hall

Professor Julian Richards, the Dean of School stated:

“A great conference was held on intelligence studies hosted by BUCSIS at The University of Buckingham, at the beautiful Madingley Hall in Cambridge. Many of the top scholars in the field are here, kicking off a renewed annual conference series for the UK-based intel studies community. Thanks to all who have contributed a highly stimulating set of panel discussions. BUCSIS are keen to ensure the event is repeated on a regular basis and remains open not only to teaching staff but also students.”