Money Matters
The UK Visa and Immigration Office (UKVI) provisions for Student General Student Visa require students to prove financial solvency to cover the costs of tuition and living expenses. On top of our tuition fees, the average living costs at The University of Buckingham range between £8,000 to £10,000 GBP a year. This includes accommodation costs and sustenance. Note: The UKVI will require you to show a minimum amount of fund for maintenance when applying for your Student Student Visa, so be aware of this.
To open a bank account in the UK banks require proof of registration and residential address (visit UKCISA for some useful guidance). This can be obtained from our Registry Office. All the major banks have a branch in or near Buckingham or Milton Keynes, so take time to choose which bank is best for you. It is advisable to check out the major UK banks online before you arrive in the UK.