Honorary Graduates 2014 (Installation)
Congregation for the Installation of The Honourable Lady Keswick as Chancellor of the University
Professor Niall Campbell Ferguson
Doctor of Letters of the University
Niall Ferguson is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University, and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has published fourteen books, including most recently Civilization: The West and the Rest and The Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die. In 2009 his six-part television series The Ascent of Money won the International Emmy for Best Documentary.
In 2010 he won the Benjamin Franklin Award for Public Service, in 2012 the Hayek Prize for Lifetime Achievement and in 2013 the Ludwig Erhard Prize for Economic Journalism.
Professor Dame Jessica Rawson,
Doctor of Letters of the University
Professor Jessica Rawson is Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology in the Oxford Centre for Asian Archaeology Art and Culture in the School of Archaeology, University of Oxford. She was Warden of Merton College, Oxford University 1994-2010. She currently holds a five-year (2011-2016) Leverhulme Trust grant on China and Inner Asia, 1000-200 BC: Interactions that Changed China. For the academic year 2013-14 Professor Rawson holds the position of Slade Professor of Fine Art at the University of Cambridge.
She graduated from Cambridge in History and from London University in Chinese Language and Literature. She became Deputy Keeper of the Department of Oriental Antiquities at the British Museum in 1976 and Keeper of the Department in 1987.
Professor Rawson was appointed a Fellow of the British Academy in 1990. She is an Advisor to the Centre of Ancient Civilisations, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science. She was elected a member the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2012.
Charles Guy Rodney Leach (d),
The Lord Leach Of Fairford
Doctor of Letters of the University
Rodney Leach obtained a double First from Balliol College, Oxford, in Mods and Greats. He represented Oxford at real tennis, bridge and chess and taught Classics at Balliol. From 1959 to 1963, he was an investment banker in Montreal, then joined N.M. Rothschild & Sons, becoming a Partner in 1968.
In 1983 he joined the Jardine Matheson Group as strategic director. He is Deputy Chairman of Jardine Lloyd Thompson and a Director of Hongkong Land, Mandarin Oriental, Dairy Farm and Paris Orleans, the Rothschild Bank holding company.
He is a reformist campaigner on European issues as Chairman of Open Europe. A political libertarian, he helped set up a refugee camp during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
- Titles correct at time of conferment
- (d) indicates those Honorary Graduates who are now deceased