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Part-time Law Degree (LLB) Showcase Evening

The Law School at The University of Buckingham invites you to our virtual showcase evening where you can discover all the benefits of studying on our unique Part-time Law (LLB) degree.

Join the showcase to:

  • Discover how our evening study sessions can benefit you and your schedule.
  • Hear from our graduates, who will discuss the impact of gaining a law degree by part-time study with Buckingham Law School has had on their lives and career.
  • Hear from our lecturers who teach on the programme, as well as current students and graduates.
  • Find out how obtaining a law degree by part-time study can be the first step to qualifying as a solicitor or barrister or can simply boost professional and career success.
  • Ask questions of our panel of law lecturers and alumni, who will be delighted to help.

More about Buckingham Law School’s Part-time Law Degree (LLB)

Our degree offers a unique method of study, combining the advantage of motivational, productive feedback at regular Wednesday evening seminars with the convenience of flexible learning around full-time work and home/care responsibilities. The weekly evening sessions offer a stimulating and enlightening interaction with tutors, who will consolidate your understanding as your legal knowledge and confidence grows.

The course has a typical three-term format, with teaching taking place from October to June, with breaks at Christmas and Easter, as well as the long summer break.

Find out more about how studying flexibly one evening a week will enable you to achieve a Law degree in just four years on our Part-time Law degree course page.

If you have any questions, please email To attend, please book your place so you can receive any updates regarding the event.

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