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2024 Vinson Centre Conference in the Classical Liberal Tradition – Hayek’s relevance to understand the world today

In collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Governance and Society (King’s College London)

Hayek’s relevance to understand the world today | On the 50th anniversary of his Nobel Prize.

Order of the day

9.45 am – Coffee and welcome.

10.00 am – Welcome by Professor James Tooley (Vice-Chancellor, The University of Buckingham), Dr Juan Castañeda, Director of the Vinson Centre (The University of Buckingham) and Professor Mark Pennington, Director of the Centre for the Study of Governance and Society (King’s College London).

10.15 am Opening lecture on Hayek’s life and main contributions to economics and political philosophy. By Professor Jeremy Shearmur (Australian National University).

10.45 am – Discussion.

Session 1 – Paternalism and the regulatory state

Chairperson: Len Shackleton (The University of Buckingham)

11.15 am – Mark Pennington (King’s College London) – On governance at distance.

11.45 am – Cento Veljanovski (Institute of Economic Affairs) – Hayek on regulation. On the size of the regulatory state.

12.15 am – Discussion.

12.45 pm – Break.

Session 2 – Knowledge, information and patents

Chairperson: Victoria Hewson (Department of Business and Trade)

1.30 pm – Pavel Kuchař (King’s College London): On the meaning of competition in Hayek as related to the emergence of market supporting institutional infrastructures and the discovery of relevant elements of knowledge commons.

2.00 pm – Martin Ricketts (University of Buckingham) and Terence Kealey (Cato Institute): On tacit knowledge and innovation policy.

2.30 pm – Discussion.

3.00 – Break.

Session 3 – Hayek beyond academia

Chairperson: Paola Romero (London School of Economics and Political Science)

3.15 pm – Gabriel Calzada (Hesperides University, President Mont Pelerin Society): On Hayek’s original MPS project and the different schools within the MPS.

3.45 pm – Pedro Schwartz (Former President of the Mont Pelerin Society and Universidad Camilo Jose Cela): On the meaning of ‘The Road to Serfdom’ today.

4.15 pm – Discussion.

4.45 pm – Break.

Session 4 – Monetary disorder

Chairperson: Geoffrey Wood (The University of Buckingham)

5.00 pm – Kevin Dowd (Durham University): On Hayek’s ‘Denationalisation of money’ and currency competition.

5.30 pm – Discussion.

6.00 pm – Drinks reception. End of formal proceedings of the conference by the Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities (Professor Julian Richards) and the Dean of the Faculty of Business, Humanities & Social sciences (Professor Deba Bardhan Correia).

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