The Centre for United Nations Studies

Led by Mark Seddon and Paul Graham the Centre for United Nations (UN) studies was established in order to:

  • undertake research into the United Nations with the aim of improving its effectiveness
  • educate students about the role of international organisations, such as the United Nations, and global diplomacy more broadly
  • build a network of university and research centres across the world to achieve these research and education objectives.

Enrol on our course: MA United Nations and Diplomatic Studies.

Attend an Event

Field Trips

The University of Buckingham field trip to International Maritime Organisation in London

The Centre for UN Studies organises the occasional field trip for students, depending on demand. Pictured here is a recent party from The University of Buckingham, led by Mark Seddon and Dr. Paul Graham (pictured to the right), on a visit to the International Maritime Organisation in London. The IMO is one of the UN’s oldest agencies and offers internship and work placement opportunities.

Past Events

UN Special Rapporteur

Ghana’s role in shaping Africa’s Economic Transformation by His Excellency Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Where is the UN over Ukraine?

Why the World must act now to halt and reverse fight Climate Change with His Excellency and former head of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon.

The Future of the Unite Nations: Peace, disarmament and a safer world with Jeremy Corbyn, MP.

Board of Advisers

The Centre is supported by a Board of Advisers with a wealth of experience:

Chair of the Board

Lord (Mark) Malloch Brown. Former UN Deputy Secretary-General and former minister in the UK Foreign Office.

Board Members

Maria Fernanda Espinosa. Former President of the UN General Assembly and former Foreign & Defence Minister of Ecuador
Tom Fletcher. Adviser to the Global Business Coalition for Education & Emirates Diplomatic Academy, United Arab Emirates.
Jan Kavan. Former President UN General Assembly. Former Foreign Minister, Czech Republic.
Andrew Whitley. Executive Director, GeoPolitical Advice and former senior UN official.
Natalie Samarasinghe. Executive Director – UN Association, UK, UNA-UK, London.
Karl Yin. Vice-Chairman of HIK Group
Professor Eric Davis. United Nations and Global Policy Studies, Rutgers University.
Mita Hosali. Deputy Director, UN News Services Division, Department of Public Information, United Nations, New York.
Franz Baumann. Research Professor, New York University. Former Assistant Secretary-General, UN.
Ian Williams. Correspondent, New York.
Professor Roger Clark. Rutgers University.
Richard Kozul-Wright. Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies UN Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD, Geneva).



If you wish to find out more about the work of the Centre please contact Dr Paul Graham.