Professor Joanne Harris

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Jo graduated from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School and has worked in both hospital practice and primary care. She held a partnership in general practice and now works clinically as a sessional GP.

Jo developed an early interest in Medical Education and has been involved in the training of medical undergraduates for 20 years. Jo was the Deputy Head of the Medical School at Imperial College London for five years before being appointed Dean of Medicine at The University of Buckingham in September 2019.

She has a particular interest in medical professionalism as it relates to Fitness to Practise and is a founding member of the UK Council for Educators of Medical Professionalism. She holds an Imperial College President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators and in 2019 became a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA). Jo is a council member of the Medical Schools Council and contributes to national and regional meetings around medical education policy.

In 2023 Jo completed her professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) at the Institute of Education, UCL where her thesis centred on the cultural aspects of professional identity formation of medical students. She has published on a range of topics in Medical Education and regularly attends national and international Medical Education conferences to present aspects of her research.

Now Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Jo is looking forward to strengthening the teaching and research objectives of the faculty and exploring collaborations with new partners to broaden our remit in healthcare education.

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