Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences | School of UG Medicine

Professor Jacqueline O’Dowd

Strategic Development and Quality Domain Lead

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Portrait photograph of Professor Jacqueline O'dowdJacqueline O’Dowd grew up in Ireland and earned her undergraduate degree in Natural Sciences with a specialisation in Microbiology from Trinity College Dublin. Continuing her academic journey, she obtained a Master’s in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from the University of Kent at Canterbury and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from The University of Buckingham.

Whilst working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Buckingham Institute of Translational Medicine Jacqueline was invited to be a founding member of the team that established the medical school at The University of Buckingham.

With a background spanning both academic and pharmaceutical industries, Jacqueline possesses a nuanced understanding of quality assurance, risk management and compliance. She brings extensive experience in meeting the requirements of various professional regulatory bodies, including the FDA, the UK Home Office, and the General Medical Council.

Maintaining a keen interest in research, Jacqueline has significantly contributed to advancements in the field of Type 2 diabetes and islet research before she more recently expanded her focus to include medical education research.

Jacqueline actively advocates for the inclusion of student voices in medical education. She has collaboratively worked with students and their representatives to establish a cooperative and inclusive environment, aiming to enrich the overall educational experience. Her dedication to fostering collaboration and promoting student engagement reflects her commitment to enhancing the quality of education.

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