Pic by Adrian Miller 20-10-14 Frossard House Charroterie St Peter Port Interview with Prof Geoffrey Wood re independent fiscal policy review. fish quay terminal
Professor Geoffrey Wood has lectured in Economics at the University of Warwick and in Banking and Finance at City University, London, where he has been Professor since 1986. He worked at the Bank of England as Economist, and later as Special Adviser on Financial Stability. He was also Visiting Scholar at the Federal Bank of St Louis. He has acted as economic adviser to various firms and organisations, including W. Greenwell & Co., Buckmaster & Moore, the Union Discount Company of London, the New Zealand Treasury and the Bank of Finland. Visiting professorships have taken him to universities around the world: South Carolina, Harvard, London, Athens and Oxford. Since 1991 he has been a trustee of the Wincott Foundation. He is the author, co-author or editor of over twenty books, and he has published over fifty papers in academic journals, as well as doing a good amount of written and broadcast journalism. Recent books co-edited with F.H. Capie include: The Development of Monetary Theory in the 1920s and 1930s (1999); Policy Makers on Policy (2001); Monetary Unions: Theory, History, Public Choice (2003); The Lender of Last Resort (2007), and with David Mayes The Structure of Financial Regulation (2007).
Carse, S., J. Williamson & G. Wood. The financing procedures of British foreign trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980).
Griffiths, B. & G. Wood (eds). Monetary targets (London: Macmillan, 1980).
Batchelor, R. & G. Wood (eds). Exchange rate policy (London: Macmillan, 1982).
Griffiths, B. & G. Wood (eds). Monetarism in the United Kingdom (London: Macmillan, 1984).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Financial crises in the world banking system (London: Macmillan, 1986).
Hodgman, D. & G. Wood (eds). Monetary and exchange rate policy (London: Macmillan, 1987).
Hodgman, D. & G. Wood (eds). Macroeconomic policy and economic interdependence (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Monetary economics in the 1980s (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Unregulated banking: chaos or order? (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991).
Kaounides, L. & G. Wood (eds). Debt and deficits (3 vols, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1992).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Monetary economics in the 1990s (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996).
Wood, G. (ed). Explorations in economic liberalism: the Wincott Lectures (London: Macmillan, 1996).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Asset prices and the real economy (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997).
Wood, G. Economic fallacies exposed (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1998).
Wood, G. (ed). Money, prices and the real economy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998; pbk ed. 2007).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Banking theory 1870-1930 (7 vols, London: Routledge, 1999).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Development of monetary theory in the 1920s and 1930s (4 vols, London: Routledge, 2000).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Policy makers on policy: the Mais Lectures (London: Routledge, 2001).
Wood, G. Fifty economic fallacies exposed (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 2002 / 2005).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). Monetary unions: theory, history, public choice (London: Routledge, 2003).
Schmitz, S. & G. Wood (eds). Institutional change in the payments system and monetary policy (London: Routledge, 2006).
Mayes, D. & G. Wood (eds). The structure of financial regulation (Oxford: Routledge, 2007).
Capie, F. & G. Wood (eds). The lender of last resort (Oxford: Routledge, 2007).
Mayes, D. & G. Wood (eds). Designing central banks (London: Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking, 2009).
Working papers
Capie, F., D. Tsomocos & G. Wood. Ebarter versus fiat money: will central banks survive? (Bank of England Working Paper 197, 2003).
Smith, R., C. Staikouras & G. Wood. Non-interest income and total income stability? (Bank of England Working Paper 198, 2003).
Takalo, T. & G. Wood. The order of reform (Bank of Finland Working Paper, 2004).
Takalo, T. & G. Wood. Labour market reform and currency pegs (ECB Working Paper, 2004).
Capie, F., D. Tsomocos & G. Wood. A transactions cost approach to the theory of money (Oxford Said Business School, Working Paper, 2005).
Allen, W. & G. Wood. Defining and achieving financial stability (LSE Financial Markets Group Working Paper, 2005).
Castaneda, J. & G. Wood. Productivity based monetary rules (University of Madrid Working Paper, 2006).
Wood, G. Demographic change and the banking system (Austrian National Bank, 2007).
Wood, G. A tale of four crises – or only one? (Bank of Finland Research Monograph, 2007).
Milne, A. & G. Wood. The bank lending channel reconsidered (Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 20, 2008).
Milne, A. & G. Wood. Shattered on the Rock? British financial stability from 1866 to 2007 (Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 30, 2008).
Milne, A. & G. Wood. The bank lending channel reconsidered (Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 2, 2009).
Schwartz, P., J. Castañeda, D. Mayes, A. Sibert & G. Wood. Comparison of monetary policy strategies of major central banks (Brussels: European Parliament, 2009).
Allen, F. F. Capie, C. Fohlin, H. Miyajima, R. Sylla, G. Wood & Y. Yafeh, How Important Historically Were Financial Systems for Growth in the U.K., U.S., Germany, and Japan? (Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper #10-27, October 2010).
Articles in conference volumes and edited collections
Ford, A.& G. Wood. “Monetary Economics” and “International Economics”, in J. Fletcher (ed.), The use of economics literature (London: Butterworth, 1971).
Pepper, G. & G. Wood. Too much money?, in Hobart Papers 68 (London: IEA, 1975).
Pepper, G. & G. Wood. Monetarist and Keynesian indicators of the UK economy, in M.J. Allingham & M.L. Burstein (eds), Resource allocation and economic policy (London: Macmillan, 1976).
Wood, G. The purpose of taxation, in A. Seldon (ed.), The state of taxation (London: IEA, 1977).
Carse, S. & G. Wood. Currency of invoicing and forward covering: risk reducing techniques in British foreign trade, in J. Martin and A. Smith (eds), Trade and payments under flexible exchange rates (London: Macmillan, 1979).
Wood, G. Comments on “Targeting the base: the Swiss experience”, in B. Griffiths & G. Wood (eds), Monetary targets (London: Macmillan, 1980).
Wood, G. Recent developments in the theory and practice of international economic policy, in Stabilisation policies: lessons from the 1970s and implications for the 1980s (St. Louis: Washington University, Centre for the Study of American Business, 1980).
Batchelor, R. & G. Wood. Floating exchange rates: the lessons of experience, in R. Batchelor & G. Wood (eds), Exchange rate policy (London: Macmillan, 1981).
Wood, G. The relevance of market prices and the irrelevance of social audits (in Spanish), in Workshop on Economy and Society (Madrid: Bank of Bilbao, February 1981).
Griffiths, B. & G. Wood . Monetarist statements, credit policies, and bank portfolio composition, in D.Fair & F. de Juvigny (eds), Bank management in in a changing international environment (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1982).
Wood, G. Should the Government change course?, in Could do better (IEA Occasional Paper 62, March 1982).
Wood, G. Competition, innovation, consumer protection, and the role of the market, in M. Fisher (ed.), A new financial revolution? An international review of the Campbell Report (St Leonards NSW: Centre for Independent Studies, 1982).
Wood, G. The European monetary system – past developments, future prospects and economic rationale, in R. Jenkins (ed.), Britain and the EEC (London: Macmillan, 1983).
Wood, G. Real output and the Gold Standard years, in M. Bordo & A. Schwartz (eds), A retrospective on the classical Gold Standard (University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1984).
Phylaktis, K. & G. Wood. An analytical and taxonomic framework for the study of exchange controls, in J. Black and G. Dorrance (eds), Problems of international finance (London: Macmillan, 1984).
Wood, G. The monetary policy decision making process in the United Kingdom, in D. Hodgman (ed.), The political economy of monetary policy – national and international aspects (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1984).
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. What happened in 1931?, in F. Capie & G. Wood (eds), Financial crises and the world banking system (London: Macmillan, 1986).
Wood, G. Monetary economics, in J. Fletcher (ed.), The use of economics literature (2nd ed., London: Butterworth, 1985).
Wood, G. European monetary arrangements: their functioning and future, in D. Fair & C. de Boisseu (eds), International monetary and financial integration: the European dimension (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1987).
Wood, G. Properties of monetary systems, in Z. Res and S. Motamen (eds), International debt and central banking in the 1980s (London: Macmillan, 1987).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Policy-makers in crisis: a study of two devaluations, in D. Hodgman & G. Wood (eds), Monetary and exchange rate policy (London: Macmillan, 1987).
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Interest rates and the conduct of monetary policy, in W. Eltis & P. Sinclair (eds), The General Theory after 50 years (London: Macmillan, 1988).
Capie, F., M. Pradhan & G. Wood. Prices and price controls: are price controls a policy instrument?, in D. Hodgman & G. Wood (eds), Macroeconomic policy and economic interdependence (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988).
Wood, G. Anna Schwartz’s perspective on British economic history, in M. Bordo (ed.), Money, history and international finance; essays in honour of Anna J. Schwartz (University of Chicago Press for NBER, 1989).
Wood, G. Foreign trade finance, in R. Aliber (ed.), Handbook of international financial management (Homewood IL : Dow-Jones Irwin, 1989).
Wood, G. Money, financial intermediation, and economic growth, in K. Phylaktis & M. Pradhan (eds), International finance and the less developed countries (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990).
Phylaktis, K. & G. Wood. The European monetary system: past, present and future, in G.Atkinson (ed.), Developments in economics: an annual review , Volume 6 (Ormskirk: Causeway, 1990).
Wood, G. The duties of a modern central banker, in Economic and social reform in Britain and New Zealand (New Zealand Government Publication Office, 1990).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. The structure and stability of banking in Europe: some lessons from history, in D. Fair & C. de Boisseu (eds), Financial institutions in Europe under new competitive conditions (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990).
Wood, G. Are central banks necessary?, in F. Capie & G. Wood (eds), Unregulated banking: chaos or order? (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991).
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. Money, interest rates and the Great Depression, in J. Foreman-Peck, New perspectives on the Late Victorian economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991).
Wood, G. The anatomy of a wartime inflation, in G. Mills & H. Rockoff (eds), The sinews of war (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1991). Reprinted in H. Rockoff (ed.), Price controls (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1992).
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Money and interest rates in Britain from 1870 to 1913, in S. Broadberry & N. Crafts (eds), Britain in the international economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
Wood, G. The structure of European monetary union, in A. Pijpers (ed.), The European Community at the crossroads (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1992).
Coleman, D. & G. Wood. The EMU Treaty: some economic reflections, in The state of the economy (London: IEA, 1992).
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Capital flows and the excess burden of the exchange rate regime, in D. Sapsford (ed.), International capital markets (Edward Elgar, 1993).
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. Independence for the Bank of England?, IEA Occasional Papers (1993).
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. Central bank independence: an exploratory analysis of historical data, in P. Siklos (ed.), Varieties of monetary reform (Boston: Kluwer, 1994).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Money in the economy, 1870-1939, in R. Floud & D. McCloskie (eds), An economic history of Britain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Wood, G. The quantity theory in the 1980s, in M. Blaug et al. (eds), The quantity theory of money: from Locke to Friedman (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1995).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. The lender of last resort: lessons from history, in J. Reis (ed.), International monetary systems in historical perspective (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1995).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. “The depression of 1873-96” and “The inter-war depression in Britain”, in D. Glazer (ed.), Business cycles and depressions: an encyclopedia (New York: Garland, 1997).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Money demand and supply under the Gold Standard: Britain 1870-1914, in T. Bayoumi, B. Eichengreen & M. Taylor, Modern perspectives on the Gold Standard (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Taylor, M . & G. Wood. Error correction, cointegration and the forward-looking model: the demand for UK broad money during the International Gold Standard, in T. Bayoumi, B. Eichengreen & M. Taylor, Modern perspectives on the Gold Standard (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
Wood, G. Money and interest rates, in Introduction to monetary economics , (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998).
Wood, G. Crisis management, lender of last resort and deposit insurance in economies in transition, in R. Lastra & H. Schiffman (eds), Bank failures and bank insolvency law in economies in transition (International Economic Development Law Series, Kluwer Law International, 1999).
Wood, G. Central bank independence: historical evidence and recent British experience, in J. Kleineman (ed.), Central bank independence: the economic foundations, the constitutional implications, and democratic accountability (The Hague: Kluwer Law International and Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik, 2000).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. What kind of stability helps industry?, in F. McHugh (ed.), The contribution of British and German banking to economic growth (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2001).
Wood, G. Is the European Central Bank too independent?, in J. Hölscher (ed.), 50 years of the German mark: Essays in honour of Stephen Frowen (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. The international monetary system: an historical perspective on current proposals, in M. Oliver (ed.), Studies in economic and social history: Essays in honour of Derek Aldcroft (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Financial crises and the business cycle, in N. Vazquez & C. Robenos (eds), Acta del Congresso Internacional sobre Circlos Economicos (Libreria UNED, 2003).
Staikouros, C. & G. Wood. Non-interest income, balance sheet structure, and interest rates, in C. Zopoundidis (ed.), New trends in banking management (Berlin: Physica-Verlag, 2003).
Wood, G. A new theory of optimal currency areas?, in F. Capie & G. Wood (eds). Monetary unions: theory, history, public choice (London: Routledge, 2003).
Milne, A. & G. Wood. International banking crises, in A. Mullineaux and A. Murinde (eds), Handbook of international banking (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003).
Wood, G. Competition, regulation and financial stability, in P Booth (ed.), The regulation of financial markets (London: IEA, 2003), 63-83.
Gardner, P. & G. Wood. The regulatory response, in A. Adams (ed.), The split capital trust crisis (Chichester: Wiley, 2004).
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Price change, financial stability, and the British economy, 1870-1939, in R. Burdekin & P. Siklos (eds), Deflation. Current and historical perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 61-90.
Capie, F., G. Wood & F. Sensenbrenner. Attitudes to foreign direct investment in the United Kingdom, in H Huizinga & L. Jonung (eds), The internationalisation of asset ownership in Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 278-307.
Epstein, R. Free markets under siege, with a commentary by G. Wood (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2005).
Schmitz, S. & G. Wood. Introduction, in S. Schmitz & G. Wood (eds), Institutional change in the payments system and monetary policy (London: Routledge, 2006).
Tsomocos, D. & G. Wood. Transactions costs and payments systems, in S. Schmitz & G. Wood (eds), Institutional change in the payments system and monetary policy (London: Routledge, 2006).
Wood, G. Currency crisis and contagion, in A. Vaidya (ed.), Globalization (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2006), 25-34.
Capie, F., G. Wood & D. Tsomocos. E-barter vs Fiat money: will central banks survive?, in E. Drandakis, D. Glycopantis & G. Stamatis (eds), Essays in honour of T. Benos (Athens: Kritiki, 2007).
Wood, G. Stock market crashes, in M. Oliver (ed.), Financial disasters of the 20th century (Cambridge: CUP, 2007).
Ricketts, M. & G. Wood. “Prohibitions and economics: an overview”, in J. Meadowcroft (ed.), Prohibitions (London: IEA, 2008), 37-53.
Mayes, D.G. & G. Wood. “The Northern Rock saga”, in D. Mayes, R. Pringle & M. Taylor (eds), Towards a new framework for financial stability (London: Central Banking Publications, 2009), 104-17.
Wood, G. Thoughtful regulation, in P. Booth (ed.), Verdict on the crash: Causes and policy implications (London: Institute of Economic Affairs, Hobart Paperback 37, 2009), 171-176.
Articles in journals
Wood, G. Resource allocation under alternative exchange rate systems, Southern Economic Journal 40, April 1973.
Wood, G. European monetary union and the United Kingdom – a cost-benefit analysis, Surrey Economic Papers , July 1973.
Wood, G. Money and economic activity, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 20, November 1973.
Price, L. & G. Wood. Another case of profitable destabilising speculation, Journal of International Economics 4, May 1974.
Wood, G. Senile industry protection, Southern Economic Journal 42, January 1975.
Wood, G. Fiscal and monetary policy for internal and external balance, Journal of Economic Studies n.s.2, November 1975.
Williamson, J. & G. Wood. The British inflation – indigenous or imported?, American Economic Review 66, September 1976.
Wood, G. Wealth, saving and the rate of interest in the long run, Bulletin of Economic Research 28, Autumn 1976.
Mills, T.C. & G. Wood. Money substitutes and monetary policy in the UK 1922-1976, European Economic Review 10, 1977, 19-36.
Williamson, J. & G. Wood. Le cause dell’inflazione in Gran Bretagna, Mercurio, May 1977.
Mudd, D. & G. Wood. Do foreigners control the US money supply?, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, March 1978.
Mudd, D. & G. Wood. The recent US trade deficit – no cause for panic, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, April 1978. Reprinted in Money Manager, June 1978, and in the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts’ Digest, 1979.
Ammon Jianakoplos, N. & G. Wood. Coordinated international economic expansion: are convoys or locomotives the answer?, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, July 1978.
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Money-income relationships and the exchange rate regime, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, August 1978.
Mudd, D. & G. Wood. Oil deficits and the fall of the dollar, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, August 1978.
Wood, G. The dollar rollercoaster, Annual Monetary Review (Centre for Banking and International Finance) 1.1, October 1979.
Wood, G. Theory and policy in the foreign exchange markets, The World Economy 3, May 1979.
Wood, G. A framework for international finance, Greek Economic Review 1.1, October 1979.
Wood, G. The failure of UK monetary control, Economic Affairs, December 1980.
Wood, G. Can 364 economists all be wrong?, Economic Affairs, July 1981.
Phylaktis, K. & G. Wood. Overshooting in the foreign exchanges, Annual Monetary Review (Centre for Banking and International Finance) 3, 1982.
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Econometric evaluation of alternative UK money stock series, 1870-1913, Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 14, May 1982.
Wood, G. Is monetarism enough?, Journal of Money, Credit & Banking 14, August 1982.
Wood, G. Market prices and social audits, Greek Economic Review 5.2, December 1983.
Wood, G. A perspective on international finance, Journal of International Economics 14, Fall 1984.
Wood, G. Monetary integration, Journal of Monetary Economics, Spring 1986.
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. Debt management and interest rates: the British stock conversion of 1932, Applied Economics 18, March 1986.
Gilbert, A. & G. Wood. Coping with bank failures, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, December 1986.
Chrystal, K. & G. Wood. Are trade deficits a problem?, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, January / February 1988. Reprinted in Readings in international economic relations , ed. J.A. McKinney & K.A. Rowley (Champaign IL: Stipes, 1989).
Coughlin, C., K. Chrystal & G. Wood. Protectionist trade policies: a survey of theory, evidence and rationale, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review , January / February 1988. Reprinted in McKinney & Rowley, op. cit., and in International political economy: perspectives on global power and wealth , ed. J.A. Freiden and D.A. Lake (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1990).
Coughlin, C. & G. Wood. Non-tariff barriers to trade, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review , January / February 1989.
Wood, G. The origins of cheaper money: a comment, Economic History Review 42, Summer 1989.
Wood, G. One money for Europe?, Journal of Monetary Economics 25, 1990.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Independent central banks: an historical perspective, Central Banking 2, Autumn 1991.
Wood, G. Currency competition and European monetary performance, The Cato Journal 10.2, 1992.
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Does the exchange rate regime affect the economy?, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review 75.4, July 1993, 3-20.
Wood, G. A pioneers’ bank in a pioneer’s country, Central Banking 5, August 1994.
Neely, C. & G. Wood. Deflation and real economic activity under the Gold Standard, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review 77.5, September / October 1995, 27-37.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Debt, deflation and recession, The Review of Policy Issues 2.1, Winter1996.
Shaw, P. & G. Wood. Reflections on the 1995-96 Budget in the United Kingdom, The Review of Policy Issues 2.1, Winter 1996.
Wood, G. The investment implications of EMU , Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, Autumn 1996.
Hoggarth, G., A. Milne & G. Wood. Alternative routes to banking stability, Financial Stability Review (Bank of England) 5, Autumn 1998, 55-68.
Wood, G. A new international financial architecture, International Finance 2, Spring 1999.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. The IMF as an international lender of last resort, Journal of International Banking Regulation 1.3, August / September 1999.
Wood, G. Great crashes in history, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 15, Autumn 1999.
Lastra, R. & G. Wood. A constitutional law approach to central bank independence, Central Banking 10.3, 1999-2000.
Staikouras, C. & G. Wood. Banking competition and stability in Europe, Journal of International Banking Regulation 12.1, March 2000.
Wood, G. The lender of last resort reconsidered, Journal of Financial Services Research 18.2-3, 2000, 203-27.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. The birth, life and demise of a currency, Economic Journal 111 (472), June 2001, 449-61.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Does fiat money have a future?, Revue Bancaire et Financiaire / Bank en Finaciewezen 2001.
Wood, G. Too much regulation?, Journal of Financial Regulation & Compliance 9, 2001.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Price controls in war and peace: a Marshallian conclusion, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 49.1, February 2002, 39-60.
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Wages and prices in the UK , Applied Economics 34.17, 2002, 2143-9.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Monetary unions: economic criteria, history, prospects, Greek Economic Review 21.2, 2003.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Deflation in the British economy, 1870-1939, Journal of European Economic History 32.2, 2003, 277-306.
Wood, G. A skeptical view of bank regulation, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 15.3, 2004,1-23.
Staikouras, C. & G. Wood. Bank profitability and portfolio composition, Applied Business Research 23.2, 2004, 7-17.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Foreign direct investment in the UK: attitudes and implications, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 16.1, 2005, 2-34.
Capie, F., T. Mills & G. Wood. Does gold hedge the dollar?, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 15.4, 2005, 343-352.
Capie, F. & G. Wood. Illusion versus reality: a comparison of governance and outcome in British and German banking, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 17.1-2, 2006, 129-139.
Wood, G. 364 economists on economic policy, Econ Journal Watch 3.1, 2006, 137-147.
Allen, W. & G. Wood. Defining and achieving financial stability, Journal of Financial Stability 2.2, 2006, 152-172.
Wood, G. Governance or regulation? Efficiency, stability and integrity in the financial sector, Journal of Banking Regulation 7.1, 2006, 2-16.
Mills, T. & G. Wood. Policy rules and price level flexibility, Indian Economic Journal 55, 2007, 104-118.
Wood, G. “Nýr gjaldmiðill handa Íslandi? [A new currency for Iceland?]”, Þjóðmál Vetur 2007, 43-47.
Milne, A. & G. Wood. “Banking crisis solutions old and new”, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Review 90.5 (September / October 2008), 517-530.
Mayes, D.G. & G. Wood. “Lessons from the Northern Rock episode”, Économie Internationale 114.2 (2008), 5-27.
Wood, G. “Efficiency, stability and integrity in the finance sector: the functions of regulation and governance” [in Hebrew], Review of Banking and Finance of the Israeli Economics and Finance Association (2009), 49-67.
Wood, G. “Governance not regulation”, Apertacontrada (April 2009).
Selected Publications
- Geoffrey Wood, “Central bank governance after the fall”
- Juan Castañeda & Geoffrey Wood, “Price stability and monetary policy: A proposal of a non active policy rule”
- Geoffrey Wood, “Can the euro survive?”
- Geoffrey Wood, “Responses to the financial crisis”
- Geoffrey Wood, “Can the euro survive”, ApertaContrada, 20 December 2010
- Geoffrey Wood & Forrest Capie (eds), The Great Depression (5 vols, London: Routledge, 2010)
- Rosa M. Lastra & Geoffrey Wood, “The crisis of 2007-09: nature, causes, and reactions”, Journal of International Economic Law 13.3 (2010), 531-550
- Franklin Allen, Forrest Capie, Caroline Fohlin, Hideaki Miyajima, Richard Sylla, Geoffrey Wood & Yishay Yafeh, How Important Historically Were Financial Systems for Growth in the U.K., U.S., Germany and Japan? (Wharton Financial Institutions Senter Working Paper #10-27, October 2010)
- Geoffrey Wood, “Efficiency, stability and integrity in the finance sector: the functions of regulation and governance”
- David G. Mayes & Geoffrey Wood, “Lessons from the Northern Rock episode”
- David G. Mayes & Geoffrey Wood, “The Northern Rock saga”
- Geoffrey Wood, “Governance not regulation”
- Alistair Milne & Geoffrey Wood, Shattered on the Rock? British financial stability from 1866 to 2007
- Alistair Milne & Geoffrey Wood, The bank lending channel reconsidered
- Geoffrey Wood, “Thoughtful regulation”
- Geoffrey Wood et al., Comparison of Monetary Policy Strategies of Major Central Banks
- David Mayes & Geoffrey Wood (eds), Designing Central Banks (London: Routledge, 2009)
- Geoffrey Wood, “Come uscire da un’unione monetaria”
- Juan E. Castañeda, David G. Mayes & Geoffrey Wood (eds), European Banking Union: Prospects and Challenges (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).
- Forrest Capie, Geoffrey Wood and Juan Castañeda, “Central bank independence in small open economies”, in M.D. Bordo, Ø. Eitrheim, M. Flandreau & J.F. Qvigstad (eds), Central Banks at a Crossroads: What Can We Learn From History? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 195-230