Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences | School of Business

Mr Graham Jones

Senior Lecturer in Business and Management / Visiting Lecturer

Contact me

Graham is a business psychologist who specialises in understanding how people use the Internet, particularly in the world of e-commerce. He started at The University of Buckingham as a Visiting Lecturer in 2006, but has since joined on a permanent basis. Graham has also been an Associate Lecturer at the Open University. Graham’s career has spanned a wide variety of organisations from working in the professional theatre, to being a radio presenter, editing magazines, being an author, being a CEO of a national organisation, and running his own consultancy business.  He is a frequent speaker at conferences and events and appears regularly on TV and radio talking about the Internet and its impact on business and society. Graham lives near Reading, in Berkshire.

Tel: +44(0)1280 820397

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