Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences | School of Health Sciences

Dr Umberto Terranova

Lecturer in Chemical Physics

Dr Terranova is a computational physicist with particular expertise in molecular modelling. He completed a BSc in Physics from Università di Pisa, followed by an MSc that included an internship at the National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology (Italy). Dr Terranova obtained his PhD in Physics from University College London (UCL) in 2013, spending a month at the National Institute of Materials Science (Japan). He then worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry of UCL and the School of Chemistry of Cardiff University. In 2019, he obtained funding from the HPC-Europa3 programme for a collaborative project with the University of Barcelona on artificial photosynthesis. Dr Terranova joined The University of Buckingham in 2019, when he was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry and Physics.

Research Interests

Dr Terranova uses atomistic simulations based on density functional theory and classical force fields to predict the behaviour of a wide variety of systems, ranging from inorganic materials to proteins. He is especially interested in sustainable catalysts that have potential for energy production. His research can be divided into two themes:

  • Metalloenzymes which are able to catalyse the reduction of CO2
  • Oxide perovskites for photocatalysis
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