Corporate Services | Human Resources

Dr Trevor Ray

Learning and Development Manager

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Portrait photograph of Trevor Ray, smiling to cameraGrowing up on a farm gave Trevor a love of the natural world and it was almost inevitable he went on to study biology at university. He remained in academia long enough to gain his PhD in Molecular Biology before joining the marketing department of an international biological reagent company. It wasn’t long though before the entrepreneurial side of him broke through and he started his own reagent distribution company. Having sold his share in that business, Trevor co-founded a pharmaceutical testing company; both organisations still thrive today.

After 20 years in the commercial world, Trevor realised the thing that drove him was not growing a business, it was his desire to grow the people within the business. This passion led him to go back to the classroom and re-skill before starting his own international training company. Over the past fifteen years, Trevor has travelled globally, delivering personal development programmes to an international corporate client base.

As part of this role, Trevor became a Visiting Lecturer at the university, leading workshops and seminars for both under- and post-graduate students. His enthusiasm to help students gain the practical skills to be a success in the workplace resulted in him becoming a full time lecturer within The Business School. Having done this for two years, Trevor returned to being a Visiting Lecturer after taking up the post as Learning & Development Manager within the university.

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