Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences | School of Humanities and Social Sciences | Economics and International Studies

Dr Paul Graham

SL in Politics and Director of Programme


Dr Paul Graham is Senior Lecturer in Politics and Director of Programmes in International Studies; he also convenes the MA in United Nations and Diplomatic Studies. He graduated from Exeter University, has an MSc and PhD in political theory from the London School of Economics and previously taught politics at Glasgow University (1995-2013). He has written a book on John Rawls (Rawls, Oneworld Publications, Second Edition 2016), jointly published a textbook on political theory (Introduction to Political Theory, Third Edition, Routledge, 2015), and also has an interest in the work of German literary theorist and essayist Karl Heinz Bohrer (especially his discussion of the concept of decadence).

His current interests focus on two areas: (1) Darwinian political theory, and (2) distributed ledger technology (blockchain) and its political implications.

Dr Graham teaches the following modules: Freedom; Introduction to Political Theory; Political Psychology; Evolution and Human Cooperation. He welcomes enquiries from current and prospective students about the degree programmes Buckingham offers and anybody interested in his writing and research.


Paul Graham, “The avant-garde of Decline: Karl Heinz  Bohrer’s Essays on England”, Journal of European Studies (June 2014; Online First, March 2014)

Paul Graham, “The European Difference: Karl Heinz Bohrer’s Critique of the European Project”, The European Legacy 17.4 (2012), 439-453

Paul Graham, “Basic Structure”, in Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2010), 108-10

Paul Graham, “Rawls, John”, Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2010), 1161-68

Paul Graham, “Rights”, in Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2010), 1197-1203

Paul Graham & John Hoffman, Introduction to Political Theory (2nd ed., Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2009)

Paul Graham, Rawls, Oneworld Thinkers Series (Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2007)

Paul Graham & John Hoffman, Introduction to Political Concepts (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2006)

Paul Graham & John Hoffman, Introduction to Political Ideologies (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2006)

Paul Graham & John Hoffman, Introduction to Political Theory (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2006)

Paul Graham, “Multiculturalism”, in Iain MacKenzie (ed.), Political Concepts: a Reader and Guide (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005), 240-50 (plus extracts, pp. 251-69)

Paul Graham, “The Transcendence of a Border: How West German Intellectuals Debated Reunification”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 16.4 (2000), 21-44

Paul Graham, “The Will Theory of Rights: a Defence”, Law and Philosophy 15.3 (1996),  257-70

Paul Graham, “Habermas’s Rectifying Revolution”, International Politics 33.1 (1996),  3-25

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