Faculty of Business, Humanities and Social Sciences | School of Business

Dr Oxana Garanina

Senior Lecturer in Business and Management / Visiting Lecturer

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Portrait photograph of Oxana GaraninaOxana started her career as a business psychologist specialising on understanding and implementing best practices aimed at personnel development. Later, she moved to executive development consulting. In 2014, she obtained a master’s degree in strategic HRM from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and focused more on business and strategic aspects of managing people.

Oxana joined the University of Buckingham as Senior Lecturer in 2017. Since then, she has been developing and teaching a few modules including Managing People and Change, CSR and Business Ethics, along with supervising undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations and acting as an internal examiner for doctoral dissertations.

Oxana’s research interests include sustainable and responsible business and understanding the role of employee volunteering in building partner relationships between businesses and communities.

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