Faculty of Computing, Law and Psychology | School of Law

Dr James Slater

Reader in Law

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James-SlaterBA (Sussex), LLM (Harvard), PhD (Birm), Solicitor (non-practising)
Reader in Law

Dr Slater graduated from the University of Sussex with a degree in Law and French. He also has an LLM from Harvard Law School and a PhD from the University of Birmingham. He is qualified as a solicitor (non-practising). His area of specialist interest is criminal law, which was the subject of his PhD. He teaches this subject along with Jurisprudence, Tort and Introduction to Legal Studies. In addition to his academic responsibilities, Dr Slater is the Law School lead for marketing, external relations, and product development.

Dr Slater is happy to consider research proposals in the subject of criminal law theory, at both Masters and PhD level.

Selected Publications

  • James Slater, ‘R v Clinton and others’ [2012] 24 Denning Law Journal 153-168
  • James Slater, ‘A Short Guide to the Anglo-American Debate on Criminal Responsibility’, in J. Motte dit Falisse (ed.), De la Faute et du Crime: Natures et Cultures (Paris: L’Harmattan Criminologie / ICES, 2014), 129-167
  • James Slater & bob Watt, “In Defence of Democracy: The Criminalisation of Impersonation” [2015] 14(2), Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 165-185
  • James Slater, “Public Goods and Criminalisation” [2017] 29 Denning Law Journal 68
  • James Slater, ‘Melinee Kazarian: Criminalising Medical Malpractice: a Comparative Perspective’ [2021] 30(1) Medical Law Review 199-210
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