Gar Yein started work as a Lecturer in Law at Buckingham on 1 September 2017. She has held academic posts at Nottingham Trent University (UK), University of Exeter (UK), Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), Universities of Maastricht and Utrecht (Netherlands), and the University of Passau (Germany). She has taught broadly comparative law in the fields of constitutional law and human rights, and has taught a range of English law subjects.
Gar Yein has also been a visiting researcher at University of Oslo, MultiRights project (now PluriCourts), University College London, Institute for Social Sciences of Politics (Cachan, France), University of Utrecht, Netherlands, and IRSIG-CNR, Bologna, Italy.
Gar Yein’s most recent publications cover issues of judicial power from a comparative perspective and AI in law.
Previously, she was an Independent Researcher in the field of Judicial Studies, with particular focus on court and justice management, public law, and procedural law particularly at the intersection between law and technology, from a comparative perspective. Gar Yein has continued to work on projects for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
Educated at the Universities of Central England (now Birmingham City), and Maastricht, she holds an LLB (Hons) in English Law, LLM in International and Comparative Law from the University of Maastricht, and a PhD “Quality of Judicial Organisation and Checks and Balances” from the University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
For more information about publications and projects, please see her website: or her Orcid Profile.
- Gar Yein Ng, Quality of Judicial Organisation and Checks and Balances (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2007). ISBN: 978-90-5095-649-9.
Journal articles:
- Chaudhary, B., Covarrubia, P., & Ng, G. Y. (2024). The judge, the AI, and the Crown: a collusive network. Information & Communications Technology Law, 1–38.
- De Facto Precedent at the Court of Justice of the European Union, G.Y. Ng, International Journal of Language and Law (2024); vol 13
- Adaptation of Courts to Disruption, G.Y. Ng, Law, Technology and Humans,Volume 5(1) 2023
- G.Y. Ng, “From Government to Governance, From Judiciary to…” European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance (2022): vol. 10, iss 1, 81-116
- G.Y. Ng, “Judicialization and the End to Parliamentary Sovereignty: Shifting Paradigms in the Protection of the Rule of Law and Human Rights: UK, France and the Netherlands“, Global Journal of Comparative Law 3.1 (2014), 50-96
- G.Y. Ng, “A discipline of judicial governance?”, Utrecht Law Review 7.1 (January 2011), 102-116
- G.Y. Ng, “Quality Management in the Justice System in England and Wales“, in P. Langboek (ed.), Quality Management in Courts and in the Judicial Organisations in 8 Council of Europe Member States, CEPEJ Studies 13, 23-43. ISSN 1999-334X
- F. Henning & G.Y. Ng, “The Challenge of Collaboration- ICT Implementation Networks in Court in the Netherlands“, Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences 28 E SI/2009, 27-44
- G.Y. Ng, M. Velicogna & C. Dallara, “Monitoring and Evaluation of Courts’ Activities and Performance“, International Journal for Court Administration 1.1 (2008), 59-65
- G.Y. Ng, M. Velicogna & C. Dallara, “Monitoring and Evaluation of Courts’ Activities and Performance”, CEPEJ Report (GT-EVAL) (December 2007)
- M. Velicogna & G.Y. Ng, “Legitimacy and Internet in the Judiciary: A Lesson from the Italian Courts’ Websites Experience“, International Journal of Law and Information Technology 14.3 (2006), 370-389
Book chapters:
- “Quality of Justice: Substantive Discussion” in “Met recht, raad en daad: Liber amoricum Philip Langbroek” Boom Juridisch, 2023, E. Bauw, A,W,G,J. Buijze, R.J.G.M Widdershoven (eds)
- G.Y. Ng “England and Wales Report” in “Court Management For a Principle of Coordination in Court Management” (“Gestion du tribunal pour un principe de coordination en matière de gestion du tribunal”, 2020, sous la direction scientifique d’Emmanuel Jeuland p161-169
- “Measuring the Unmeasurable?” Bencze,M, Ng, G.Y, in “How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning“, (eds) Bencze,M. & Ng, G.Y., Springer 2018 p.1-23
- 2. Quality of Judicial Reasoning: England and Wales, in “How to Measure the Quality of Judicial Reasoning“, (eds) Bencze,M. & Ng, G.Y., Springer 2018 pp.103-121
- G.Y. Ng, “Testing Transborder Civil Procedures in Practice: Findings from a Simulation Experiment with the European Payment Order and the European Small Claims Procedure”, in F. Contini & G.F. Lanzara (eds), The Circulation of Agency in E-Justice: Interoperability and Infrastructures for European Trans-Border Judicial Proceedings (Dordrecht: Springer, 2013)
- G.Y. Ng & P. Langbroek, “Comparative Analysis of Ph.D Studies for Legal and Judicial Education”, in D. Piana, P. Langbroek, T. Berkmanas, O. Hammerslev & O. Pacurari (eds), Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe: The Menu for Justice Project Report (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2013)
- G.Y. Ng, “Experimenting with European Payment Order and of European Small Claims Procedure”, in F. Contini & G.F. Lanzara (eds), Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online (Bologna: CLUEB, 2013)
- G.Y. Ng, “Case Management: Procedural law v. Best Practices”, in C.H. Van Rhee & A. Uzelac (eds), Civil Justice between Efficiency and Quality: From Ius Commune to the CEPEJ (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2008) [this article was republished from another edited book below]
- G.Y. Ng, “Case Management: Procedural law v. Best Practices”, in C.H. van Rhee (ed.), Judicial Case Management and Efficiency in Civil Justice (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2008)
- P.M. Langbroek & G.Y. Ng, “Het bestuursrecht voor de rechterlijke macht”, in Liber Amicorum for Prof. J.B.J.M. ten Berge (2008)
- G.Y. Ng, “Pays Bas / Nederland”, in M. Fabri, J-P. Jean, P.M. Langbroek, H. Pauliat (eds), L’administration de la justice en Europe et l’évaluation de sa qualité (Paris: Montchrestien, 2005)
- G.Y. Ng, “Quality of Justice in the Netherlands”, in The Administration of Justice in Europe: Towards the Development of Quality Standards (IRSIG-CNR, 2003) directed by M. Fabri, P. Langbroek & H. Pauliat
Book review
- “B.J. Ostrom, C.W. Ostrom, Jr, R.A. Hanson & M. Kleiman, Trial Courts as Organisations”, International Journal of Court Administration 1.2 (October 2008)
- “Assessment of the Performance Evaluation of Judges in Moldova“, OSCE/ODIHR 27 June 2014 (contribution as assessor/independent researcher)
- “Guidelines on the role of court-appointed experts in judicial proceedings of Council of Europe’s Member States“. This document has been drafted by the Working Group on the Quality of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-QUAL) based on a working document by Anke Eilers (member of the Group, Germany) and a study by Gar Yein Ng (scientific expert, Norway) on the role of experts in judicial systems.
- March 26-28 2024, “Whistleblowing in the Judiciary” at SLSA Conference, University of Portsmouth.
- May 25-26 2023, “The Judicial Independence Monitor” at JAR-Association Inaugural Conference Innovation in Judicial Systems: Human, Cyber and Beyond”, School of Law, University Roma Tre, Italy
- May 18-19 2023: “30 years of Judicial Research: Constitutional Law and “Judicial Transformations and Judicial Governance” in “Steps towards the NextGen Judicial Research Agenda” Bologna, Italy
- January 20th, 2021 “Quality of Judicial Reasoning” at the “Forum: Quality of Judicial Decisions; Research Project UNAM-PAPIIT IA301420” at the National Autonomous University Of Mexico Faculty of Law (online Forum)
- December 13-15 2018; “Performance Evaluation: Separating Judges from Courts” at the “Second National Congress on Human Rights”, at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews Warsaw, Poland
- June 25-27 2018; “From Government to Governance, From Judiciary to…?”, at ICON-S Conference 2018 “Identity, Security, Democracy: Challenged for Public Law” Hong Kong University
- February 9 2018; “De Facto Precedent in ECJ Judgements: And Overview”, at “Workshop on Precedent in EU law: The Linguistic Aspect”, part of Law and Language at the European Court of Justic the LLECJ Project, University of Birmingham, Law School
- November 14-15 2017; “Evaluation of Judges Workshop”, Presentation of Comparative Experiences of Judicial Performance Evaluation, Best and Poor Practices, Tbilisi, Georgia (OSCE Workshop)