BA (Hons) Secondary Education (Maths and SEND)

Earn a degree whilst working in a Secondary school and gain in-depth knowledge of Secondary Education, contemporary Maths teaching, and SEND.

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Course overview

  • 2025
  • Full-time
  • Jun, 3 years
  • Undergraduate
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
  • 3SSN
  • Online
  • *See below for full fee information

    Buckingham Open Day

    Get to know Buckingham! Tour our campus, attend a subject session, and chat to staff and students.

    26 April 2025


    TA to Teacher: Primary and Secondary Undergraduate routes (Taster and Q&A)

    Meet course leaders, tutors and current students of our BA in Primary Education.

    5 March 2025


    About the course

    This newly developed three-year course is designed for those without a degree working in schools, who aspire to become maths teachers.

    This course has been designed to address the shortage of good maths teachers within secondary schools, especially in key stages 3 and 4. A third of pupils fail maths GCSE nationally, and many of these are SEND students. However, certain schools achieve higher pass rates, including those with SEND pupils and those receiving free school meals, demonstrating that achieving better outcomes is possible when teachers are trained in this particular specialism.

    Teaching assistants (including part-time), lab and IT technicians, and sixth formers who have been offered a teaching assistant job after A-Levels, are ideal candidates to study on this course, and will have the opportunity to achieve Qualified Teacher Status upon its completion. It can also be suitable for those whose degree was awarded overseas yet is not recognised as an equivalent to a UK university degree.

    Based on our successful BA in Primary Education framework, this degree consists of eleven modules that are delivered across three years, and is designed to enable you to work in a paid, full-time job whilst studying. As the course is online, you have the flexibility to complete the work and tasks at times you can manage. You will have your own tutor from The University of Buckingham, who will support you throughout the course to ensure that you have up to date knowledge of the latest developments of Maths in schools, as well as the latest theories and strategies to support SEND pupils. Valuably, the course is integrated with your work; much of the study is based on you reflecting on your school and what happens there.

    The course content covers a wide range of topics, through interactive online delivery with assessments that are fully supported by the course staff and by your tutors. Key topics covered include: Child Development, The Purposes of Education, The Science of Learning, an overview and in-depth study of SEND, and Mathematics Teaching At Key Stage 2, 3 And 4. You will also study important topics for understanding effective teaching such as behaviour management, and being aware of barriers to learning.

    To be a qualified teacher in England, you must have a degree and the most relevant degree to take is one in Education. Overseas applicants should know that the course content is about secondary schools in England only.

    Why might a school-leaver consider this course?

    • If you like your current school, you can stay there as you commence your studies.
    • Very low cost compared to going away to university as you can live at home.
    • You will achieve a degree that leads to a fulfilling and rewarding job.
    • You can begin to earn money as soon as you leave school.

    If my school is part of a multi-academy trust, can the trust be involved?

    Yes, we are negotiating a partnership with several MATs who can offer jobs in their school and support their trainee teachers doing the BA degree.

    Course highlights

    The BA in Secondary Education (Maths and SEND) provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the demands of delivering Maths in schools and the different ways that you can support pupils with a wide range of needs. You will navigate the newest challenges in education and develop your critical reflection of your own practice.

    By completing this course, you will be able to:

    • Engage with issues in the delivery of Mathematics in Secondary Education.
    • Develop a critical understanding of relevant literature.
    • Understand the impact of issues such as maths anxiety and behavioural management.
    • Engage with the latest thinking on Special Educational Needs.
    • Become a desirable candidate within your workplace and to future employers as you appear driven with the latest scholarship and ideas.

    Key Dates

    Welcome Webinar: Tuesday 17 June 2025, 4.30-5.30pm (online)
    Induction Webinar: Tuesday 24 June 2025, 4.30-6pm (online)
    Course start date: Monday 23 June 2025
    Course end date: July 2028

    Top 10 for Student Satisfaction - The Complete University Guide 2023
    2nd for Graduate Prospects (on-track) - The Complete University Guide 2023
    Shortlisted for University of the Year - The Sunday Times Good University Guide, 2024

    Course breakdown

    Throughout this course, you will complete eleven modules, enabling you to develop your understanding of Secondary Education, contemporary Mathematics in schools, as well as the importance of SEND knowledge. Please view the Curriculum Handbook to see further details about the modules.

    During this time, you will also critically engage with scholarship, which will inform your assessments, and you will learn about different educational theories and strategies. You will be expected to read widely around your subject area, but will also be provided with a large number of relevant resources to help you work through the course.

    The course culminates in an enquiry module which allows you to focus on a particular topic of your own interest.

    Year 1

    Year one will provide a solid foundation of knowledge introducing you to important topics in Education, a knowledge of what is happening in Secondary education as well as starting your studies focusing on Maths and SEND topics.

    Year 2

    Building upon Year 1, Year two develops your knowledge of the key areas of both Maths across the Secondary years and SEND provision. Your focus will includes topics such as Child Development, Classroom Culture and Managing Behaviour.

    Year 3

    In the final year key concepts are studied in depth, culminating in the Enquiry Module. You will also have an opportunity to add depth to your study both with additional units on Educational matters, Maths and SEND.

    View course modules


    Teaching and assessment

    This is a three-year course, starting in June, involving 10+ hours of work every week, meaning that you must dedicate time to studying around your existing workload.

    Teaching methods

    You will have access to a range of learning materials, written by academics and leading Maths and SEND specialists, to work through. You will complete three assessments per module. A learning platform will provide you with a wide selection of resources to develop your understanding of the course, as well as informal activities to enable you to check your understanding. You will also be supported with developing your Mathematical knowledge.

    You are able to access materials at a time that suits you alongside your working commitments. You will also be supported by the Course Leader and by a Tutor who will meet online with you and fellow students to guide you through the modules.

    Assessment Methods

    You will study four modules per year, using the online learning platform. You will also complete formal assessments for each module, and will be supported through this process, both in terms of content and techniques. These assessments utilise a variety of approaches to support you in understanding the content. The assignments will be based on your study and require you to link the reading to your in-school observations and experiences. In parallel to the assignments, we will assess your Mathematical knowledge to ensure you are up to date in the latest Secondary expectations.

    The final Enquiry module involves a longer, research-based assignment on an area of your choice from the programme. You will complete a literature review of 2,000 words and a research project of 6,000 words, written over two terms.

    After your course

    Upon completion of your degree, you can put what you have studied and learnt into practice.

    If you live in England, after the BA you could proceed directly onto The University of Buckingham’s one-year apprenticeship-levy funded online teacher training course, which leads to Qualified Teacher Status. For this, there is no charge to you (unless the government changes their regulations).

    If you do not live in England, you can take an alternative Qualified Teacher Training course such as the International Qualified Teacher Status (with PGCE) or PGCE for International Trainees at The University of Buckingham, for which there will be a fee.

    Career Opportunities

    • Become an asset to any Secondary School
    • Confidently deliver Mathematical subject knowledge
    • Develop your SEND knowledge further still to specialise in this area.

    Career Skills

    • Independence
    • Perseverance
    • Resilience
    • Commitment

    Careers and Employability Support

    Our courses strive to effectively combine academic challenge with the transferable skills that will stand you in good stead for future employment. The Buckingham tutorial teaching model means that our students are well prepared as they embark on their careers and future study.

    Find out more about our Careers and Employability Service.

    Entry requirements

    • You must be in employment in a Secondary School. Your school will need to write a letter supporting your application.
    • You cannot have a university degree already.
    • Two A-levels, or other level 3 courses worth 32 UCAS points, or equivalents (overseas qualifications must be checked through UK ENIC to show they are the same standard as British A-levels).
    • GCSE maths minimum grade 6/B.
    • Complete a successful interview with a member of the Faculty of Education.
    • It is not a requirement for the BA but to apply for a place on a QTS course you must have a pass in GCSE English (grade 4/C or above) or an equivalent.
    • Overseas applicants must have a good standard of written English and have an IELTS score of 6.5 or above or have completed some of their education in English. View the University’s minimum language entry requirements.
    • Sixth formers who are taking A-Levels may apply. Any offer made will be conditional.

    Those who wish to apply for the BA but who do not have two A-levels, or other level 3 courses worth 32 UCAS points, or who wish to improve their academic writing skill, should take the 14-week academic writing course we offer in conjunction with Anspear. It will cost £480 including VAT. Those who do not have two A-levels will be assessed at the end of the course and will either be permitted to apply for the BA or not. To register, please apply via Anspear.

    International Offers

    Find out about our requirements and see useful information for international applicants:

    If you are uncertain whether you are eligible to apply for this course, please contact our Education Admissions team.

    Course fees

    The fees for this course are:

    StartType1st YearTotal cost
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)

    The University reserves the right to increase course fees annually in line with inflation linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI). If the University intends to increase your course fees it will notify you via email of this as soon as reasonably practicable.

    Course fees do not include additional costs such as books, equipment, writing up fees and other ancillary charges. Where applicable, these additional costs will be made clear.

    A non-refundable registration fee of £300 is also payable.

    Bursaries and scholarships

    A means-tested bursary can sometimes be available. To apply, please register your interest with our admissions team at the time of application.

    View all bursaries and scholarships.

    How to apply

    Apply direct

    Apply online from this page as the most flexible option.

    Need help?

    Contact the Faculty of Education on +44 (0)1280 820222 or email:

    Some courses are limited in terms of numbers and we operate a first-come-first-served system. Applications can take at least 6 weeks to process. Please consider school holiday closures and ensure applications are submitted in good time to avoid disappointment.

    Please click the ‘Apply Now’ button to view the application deadline and start your application.