PhD Military History by Published Works

Candidates seeking a Doctorate by Published Works in Military History must be University of Buckingham graduates or members of staff.

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Course overview

  • 2025
  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Apr, 1 year
  • Apr, 2 years
  • Jul, 1 year
  • Jul, 2 years
  • Sep, 1 year
  • Sep, 2 years
  • Research
  • Research
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • £8,267
  • From £4,133 per year*
  • £14,500
  • From £7,250 per year*
  • London
  • London
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    About the course

    Candidates seeking a Doctorate by Published Works in Military History must be University of Buckingham graduates or members of staff. Graduates of other universities seeking to obtain a Doctorate by Published Work should contact the university from which they graduated.

    The candidate must submit published scholarly work which gives clear proof of a significant and original contribution to the knowledge of the discipline. This contribution should consist of the discovery of new knowledge in the field of Military History, or the exercise of a new and independent critical approach, e.g. the connection of previously unrelated facts, the development of new theory, or the revision of previously held views. The candidate must show, by means of a 20,000 word commentary on the submitted work and in a viva (oral examination), that they appreciate the relationship of their special work to a wider field of knowledge.

    Study period

    Registration will be for a period of one year (full-time) or two years (part-time), during which time the candidate will have regular supervisions with the Supervisor and be guided in accordance with the same process and provision as if registered for a PhD by research programme.


    During the period of study, the candidate will have regular supervisions with the Supervisor and be guided in accordance with the same process and provision as if registered for a PhD by research programme (at least twice per term if full-time, or once per term if part-time).

    Members of the academic staff who are available to undertake supervision in the field of the field of Military History include:

    Dr Andrew Boyd, CMG, Research Fellow in Modern History, for 20th-century Naval History.

    Sir Rodric Braithwaite, GCMG, Professorial Fellow in Diplomacy and International Affairs, for Cold War History

    Professor Lloyd Clark, Professorial Fellow in Modern War Studies and Course Director in Modern War Studies; Research Director, Centre for Army Leadership; for 20th-century Military History.

    Professor Simon Heffer, Professor of Modern British History, for 19th- and 20th-century Military History.

    Paul Lay, Senior Research Fellow in Early Modern British History, for 17th-century Britain, especially in the Cromwellian period.

    Dr Stuart Mitchell, Senior Research Fellow in Military History (and Faculty Member, Department of War Studies, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst), on 20th-century History of Warfare.

    Professor Gary Sheffield, Professor of Military History, for 19th- and 20th-century Military History.

    Professor Matthias Strohn, Visiting Professor in Military Studies, for German Military History.

    Entry requirements

    The degree of PhD by Published Work may be conferred on:
    (a) graduates of this university of not less than five years standing;
    (b) graduates of another university of not less than five years standing who have also held an appointment as a member of staff of this university for at least two years;
    (c) graduates of another university of not less than five years standing who have also held a Fellowship of this university for at least two years.

    International students

    We are happy to consider all international applications and if you are an international student, you may find it useful to visit our international pages for details of entry requirements from your home country. The University is a UKVI Student Sponsor.

    Teaching and assessment

    At the end of the registration period, the submission for the degree will be delivered to the Research Administrator, and will comprise:

    (a) A list of the published works upon which the application is based. The list should indicate whether and with what result any of the works have previously been submitted for any degree of any university or awarding body
    (b) A supporting 20,000 word commentary indicating the area of knowledge to which the published work relates and the ways in which it makes a significant and original contribution to learning meriting the award of the degree
    (c) Where any of the works submitted have been produced jointly with others, a written statement signed by the other contributors to the works concerned indicating the share which the candidate took personally in the work
    (d) The published works upon which the application is based
    (e) A curriculum vitae

    The works submitted as part of the application must be published and freely available. Unpublished work, or material in the course of being published, will not be accepted. Work which has been successfully submitted for the award of a degree at this or any other university or awarding body can only be considered as supporting material explaining the context or background to other works submitted. All works submitted shall be written in English, except where the prior approval of the University Research Committee has been given for the submission of work in another language.

    There shall be three Examiners for the degree, at least two of whom shall be External Examiners.

    Course Fees

    The fees for this course are:

    StartType1st YearTotal cost
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)

    The University reserves the right to increase course fees annually in line with inflation linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI). If the University intends to increase your course fees it will notify you via email of this as soon as reasonably practicable.

    Course fees do not include additional costs such as books, equipment, writing up fees and other ancillary charges. Where applicable, these additional costs will be made clear.

    Scholarships and bursaries

    We have bursaries and scholarships available for both home and international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and these are awarded based on location, merit or financial need.

    Funded scholarships and bursaries may be awarded across all schools of study, and represent a partial remission from tuition fees. Bursaries are means-tested and are intended for those who need a contribution towards their fees in order to study at Buckingham.

    View all scholarships and bursaries.

    How to apply

    Apply direct

    Apply online from this page as:

    • You can apply until shortly before the course starts.
    • There are no application fees.

    You can apply directly through our website by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button.

    In the first instance, a person wishing to pursue the Doctorate in Military History by Published Work should submit an application through this website, including, in place of the usual research proposal, a summary of their published work and an explanation of how it meets the criteria for the award.

    This application will be forwarded for consideration to the Research Officer responsible for Military History. If the application is approved, the Research Officer will identify a supervisory team (of First and Second Supervisors), who will be appointed for the term of study and be responsible for providing assistance to the student in preparing the submission for the degree.

    The fee shall be equivalent to that prevailing for the PhD in Military History. For help in applying, please contact the Humanities Admissions Office on

    There are four entry points during the year, at the start of the University’s four academic terms. Further details can be found in the University’s Research Degrees Handbook, Section 1.3.