MA Residential Education (fully online)

The MA in Residential Education is a one-year, part-time course for those working in or with an interest in boarding schools.

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Course overview

  • 2025
  • Part-time
  • Sep, 15 months
  • Postgraduate
  • Master of Arts
  • Online
  • *See below for full fee information

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    Study after a PGCE: Different types of MA's

    Join this Professional Development webinar to learn about our master's programmes for teachers.

    23 April 2025


    About the course

    Are you a dedicated teacher or school leader looking to develop your expertise in the field of residential education? Achieved through critical evaluation and research scholarship, our MA in Residential Education provides the opportunity for you to follow your own interests, whilst receiving clear guidance about the requirements of an esteemed level 7 academic qualification.

    Our part-time MA degree welcomes teachers and educators from around the world who are looking to engage with the latest research and ideas in education. Engaging with a master’s programme enables you to connect to a whole new group of people who you can network; with not only across the country, but across the globe.

    The MA has been designed to not only embellish your understanding of the research process, develop your critical thinking, and your ability to present a written argument, but also advance your knowledge within your topic of interest relating to residential education. Following this course helps you to develop your critical thinking skills, as well as your ability to present a written argument.

    By taking on this fresh challenge within your teaching career, you will acquire a new set of skills as you engage in a range of arguments and learn to become critical of them, synthesise arguments, and develop your own critical and authoritative voice. As you will be studying in an area that you have a genuine interest in, you will be making a valuable interest yourself as a person, and your discoveries are more likely have a positive and impactful affect in the workplace.

    Course Highlights

    Our MA in Residential Education is an intellectually stimulating course that provides a framework for teachers to learn about recent research in education and evaluate how you can be better at what you do. The course also allows teachers to:

    • Engage with issues in Residential Education.
    • Develop a critical understanding of relevant literature.
    • Understand what is expected of Level 7 Academic Writing.
    • Learn how to navigate the topic of research methodology.
    • Plan a piece of research that can contribute to debates around Residential Education.
    • Understand the ethical implications of being a researcher.
    • Discover research in education and learn how to undertake research yourself.
    • Become a desirable candidate that appears driven at your workplace and to future employers.
    Top 10 for Student Satisfaction - The Complete University Guide 2023
    2nd for Graduate Prospects (on-track) - The Complete University Guide 2023
    Shortlisted for University of the Year - The Sunday Times Good University Guide, 2024

    Course breakdown

    Throughout this course, you will complete a number of modules enabling you to develop your understanding both of the research process as well as your topic of interest relating to residential education. Please view the Curriculum Handbook to see further details about the modules.

    During this time, you will also critically engage with scholarship, which informs your dissertation, and you will learn about different research methods. You will be expected to read widely around your subject area.

    The course culminates in the production of a 12,000-15,000-word dissertation with a suitable research focus.

    View course modules


    Teaching and assessment

    All of our postgraduate courses are taught and delivered online, so no matter where you are in the world, you can study with one of the most established teacher training providers in the UK.

    Teaching methods

    Every master’s student is allocated a supervisor to support each module. You will regularly communicate via platforms including Microsoft Teams, Zoom and email, always at times that are suitable for both parties. You will also have access to regular online study sessions throughout the course.

    There are induction sessions to introduce you to how the course will run; on application you will receive a choice of dates where you will indicate when you will attend.

    When the course starts, you will have access to MOODLE, the University’s online learning platform. You will then access the course handbook and all resources required for successful completion of the course. In the handbook there is a week-by-week guide which indicates what work is expected that week. This will either be:

    • A recorded film to watch
    • A reading
    • A podcast with accompanying literature
    • Independent study towards a module
    • A live Twilight session

    The Twilight sessions are recorded and shared on Moodle once the session is complete. These Twilights are optional in terms of attendance as we know that many students struggle to be available at certain times. However, all these sessions are recorded and should then be watched after the live event. As you progress through the course, you will then have access to a library of videos that you can re-visit, to support you to a successful outcome.

    Assessment Methods

    The Masters programme is made up of two or three Modules (depending upon the credits that are brought to the course) and each of these is assessed by an assignment. The modules develop skills that are needed for the final research project. These modules assess the ability to critically reflect on your own practice, engage critically with literature and understand the focus of your intended research. The culmination of the MA is a 12,000 to 15,000-word dissertation.

    It is important to understand that you, as a Master’s student, will be expected to work independently and you are expected to fully engage with the guidance provided to complete the required modules.

    Master’s degrees are awarded to students who demonstrate:

    • A systematic understanding of knowledge, and critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice.
    • A comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship.
    • Originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline.
    • Conceptual understanding that enables the student:
      – to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline.
      – to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses.

    Typically, holders of a Masters will be able to:

    • Deal with complex issues – both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
    • Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.
    • Continue to advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level.

    QAA, The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies, February 2024

    After your course

    Upon completion of your MA in Residential Education, you can put what you have studied, researched and learnt into practice. Many students use their research to develop their existing roles or to apply for specialist roles that allow them an opportunity to continue to work on their area of interest. A number of students also share their research through conferences and publications. Whichever route you choose your work is contributing to an area that is in need of research development.

    Here are just some of the career opportunities and skills that can stem from studying on this degree:

    Career opportunities

    • Future specialisation of Teaching Role
    • Promotion to leadership
    • Continued research on your area of interest
    • Sharing your research with others through conferences and writing

    Career skills

    • Developing your communication skills
    • Leadership skills
    • Ability to plan and complete a project
    • Perseverance
    • Resilience

    Careers and Employability Support

    Our courses strive to effectively combine academic challenge with the transferable skills that will stand you in good stead for future employment. The Buckingham tutorial teaching model means that our students are well prepared as they embark on their careers and future study.

    Find out more about our Careers and Employability Service.

    “Upon completing my postgraduate degree, I have undoubtedly obtained the necessary independent and research skills to embark on my professional journey. The extensive knowledge I have acquired through this advanced degree sets me apart from other candidates, giving me a distinct advantage.”
    Eleanor, Postgraduate student

    Entry requirements

    For a list of course specific requirements, please see our typical offers below. To see our full list of general university requirements including information for flexible entry, mature students and alternative qualifications, see our University entry requirements.

    UK Offers

    The standard entry requirements for this course are:

    • UK degree (2.2 or above). For equivalent qualifications, contact to confirm that your qualification meets the University entry requirements.
    • Must be working in a school.

    In addition, the candidate must have either:

    • Route 1* – PGCE with 60 Master’s credits at level 7 from The University of Buckingham or another university (if completed within ten years of the proposed start date of the course) OR
    • Route 2* – PGCE at level 6 or BSA Diploma (which is a helpful route into Master’s study) an additional module (a bridging unit) of study will be provided.

    Candidates with a degree but no PGCE will be asked to produce a portfolio of evidence of their work of up to 7000 words (further advice will be provided).

    *For candidates on route 1, the course duration is 1 year. For candidates on route 2, the course duration is 15 months.

    International Offers

    Find out about our requirements and see useful information for international applicants:

    If you are uncertain whether you are eligible to apply for this course, please contact our Education Admissions team.

    Course fees

    The fees for this course are:

    StartType1st YearTotal cost
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)
    Month Year
    Full-time (2 Years)

    The University reserves the right to increase course fees annually in line with inflation linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI). If the University intends to increase your course fees it will notify you via email of this as soon as reasonably practicable.

    Course fees do not include additional costs such as books, equipment, writing up fees and other ancillary charges. Where applicable, these additional costs will be made clear.

    Applicants must also pay a £300 non-refundable Registration Fee.

    Fees are invoiced for in September, at the beginning of the course. Termly instalments can be arranged directly with the Finance department upon receipt of the invoice.

    Staff whose school is a member of either the Boarding Schools’ Association or the Australian Boarding Schools Association are eligible for a 25% discount on course fees. To ensure the discount is applied, please select BSA or ABSA (as applicable) from the partnership box on your application form.

    Staff at COBIS member schools get a 5% discount on course fees. To ensure the discount is applied please select ‘COBIS’ from the partnership box on your application form.


    Students with an undergraduate degree from The University of Buckingham that plan to continue their studies with a postgraduate degree at Buckingham can benefit from a discount on their fees.

    Postgraduates who have completed their Master’s at The University of Buckingham are eligible for a discount on tuition fees for selected Buckingham PhD programmes. Find out more about the Buckingham Postgraduate Discount.

    Scholarships and bursaries

    We have bursaries and scholarships available for both home and international students at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and these are awarded based on location, merit or financial need.

    Funded scholarships and bursaries may be awarded across all schools of study, and represent a partial remission from tuition fees. Bursaries are means-tested and are intended for those who need a contribution towards their fees in order to study at Buckingham.

    View all scholarships and bursaries.

    How to apply

    Apply direct

    You can apply online from this page as the most flexible option.

    Need help?

    Contact the Faculty of Education on +44 (0)1280 820222 or email:

    Some courses are limited in terms of numbers and we operate a first-come-first-served system. Applications can take at least 6 weeks to process. Please consider school holiday closures and ensure applications are submitted in good time to avoid disappointment.

    Please click the ‘Apply Now’ button to view the application deadline and start your application.