Employers and Businesses
How We Work With Businesses
Knowledge Exchange | Develop Your People | Recruit a Student or Graduate
Hot-desking in our Enterprise Hub
There are many ways in which The University of Buckingham works with businesses, both to provide services to business and to enhance the employability of our students.
Knowledge exchange

Harin Sellahewa, Dean of Faculty of Computing, Law and Psychology
Benefit from our research expertise – find out more about our areas of research.
Get involved with a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to help your business grow. A KTP, funded through Innovate UK, links a business with a university and a graduate with the knowledge and expertise that the business needs to deliver a specific project. Our School of Computing has successfully completed four KTP projects, and informal enquiries from interested businesses may be made to Harin Sellahewa.
Get advice about your start-up or growing your small business from our Buckingham Enterprise and Innovation Unit. For more information, visit the BEIU website.
Be a mentor to our students on our Business Degrees, in which students take an entrepreneurial approach. To get involved, contact Graham Jones.
Be a guest speaker at one of our online careers events or deliver a masterclass as part of one of our degree programmes. Register your interest with our Careers and Employability Service.
Develop your people
Our nationally recognised apprenticeships are designed to train and develop individuals in the specific skills that they need to allow them to advance in their chosen career and support your business.
As an approved Apprenticeship Training Provider, we offer apprenticeship training in the following standards:
- Teacher Apprenticeship Level 6
- Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist – Data Analytics Specialist (Degree Apprenticeship)
- Senior Leader Level 7
Find out more about our apprenticeships.
Recruit a student or graduate
Our Careers and Employability Service can advertise your vacancies for free. This includes casual part-time work for students and full-time graduate employment.
Please visit careers.buckingham.ac.uk, register with us to create an employer account and then post your vacancies.
Are you thinking of hiring an international graduate? The Graduate Route Visa gives graduates permission to work in the UK for two years (three years for PhD graduates). This visa is applied and paid for by the individual, not their employer. Visit the government website for more information.
Offer professional experience to a student
If your organisation would like to offer a micro-internship to a student via our B-Enterprising scheme, you can find out more in our employer handbook, or contact us via e-mail. This is open to all organisations, including large, SME and micro businesses as well as charities and not-for-profit.
If you would like to offer a student a longer work placement, we have several degree courses with integrated work placements ranging from one term to one year in length. Please contact our Careers and Employability Service to discuss options.
If you are a Law Firm, Chambers or organisation linked with the legal service sector, could you offer a work placement or mentoring for a Law student? Or would like to offer an integrated one-year work placement for one of our LLB degree programmes? To get involved, please contact Julie O’Shea.
Hot-desking in our Enterprise Hub
In partnership with Buckinghamshire Business First, the Buckingham Enterprise Hub in the Vinson Building (Hunter Street, Buckingham) is open to local businesses as a hot-desking facility.
The Hub provides a flexible, temporary workspace even for anyone running or thinking about starting their own business.
The Buckingham Enterprise & Innovation Unit (BEIU) helps businesses to grow, collaborate and build broader connections with other professionals using the co-working space. For more information, visit the BEIU website.