Graduate Outcomes Survey

Make your voice count - Graduate Outcomes Survey logo, next to four square images of students in black and white, with text overlay: THOUSANDS OF GRADUATE VOICES. ONE SURVEY.

Thousands of graduate voices. One survey.

Graduate Outcomes Survey logoGraduate Outcomes is an annual survey sent to all graduates who completed a higher education course in the UK after August 2017. The survey looks to understand whether you’re in employment, have continued with further study or are doing something else and to what extent your qualification played a part.

Have your say and help improve the experience of future students

Around 15 months after you finish your course, you will receive an email inviting you to take part in Graduate Outcomes. It will take less than 10 minutes to complete and will provide valuable insight into higher education for the next generation of students. For example, the survey produces vital data that is used by league tables and university guides to help future students choose what and where to study.

The Graduate Outcomes survey also helps the University of Buckingham to improve our courses, attract new students and prepare our future graduates for the ever-changing employment market.

How to complete the survey

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) conducts the survey on behalf of UK universities and colleges. Around 15 months after graduation you will receive an invitation to complete the survey online through either:

  • An email from
  • An SMS message from GradOutcome
  • A phone call from HESA researchers calling on behalf of The University of Buckingham

Keep your contact details up to date with the University of Buckingham so that the Graduate Outcomes team at HESA can contact you about the survey. If your contact details changed since leaving university, please complete our ‘Update your details’ form.

Learn more about the Graduate Outcomes survey.

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