Group of Buckingham students smiling to camera, standing on bridge over river

Pillar Fund

School – For tomorrow

Each individual school forms a pillar to the University. Whether it’s a gift for academic research or building a new teaching facility, the impact will be felt immediately by the students, faculty and across the wider University community. Together, we are building a world-class educational experience that is innovative and student-centred.

Are you based in the UK?

To donate to your School of choice select the appropriate ‘Donate’ button below.

School of Business
School of Computing
School of Education
Foundation Department
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Law
School of Medicine and Allied Health
School of Psychology

Are you based outside the UK?

The University of Buckingham is registered with a number of foundations with tax exempt status. This means alumni and friends of the University living in certain countries can benefit from deductions on their charitable donations.

Gifts from the United States (BSUF)

To make a gift and take a U.S. income tax deduction, you may make a donation to the British Schools & Universities Foundation (Federal Tax ID 13-616-1189), a charitable organization approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under code Section 501(c)(3). Write your cheque to the order of the British Schools & Universities Foundation. You should express a preference for ‘The University of Buckingham’ in your transmittal letter, not on your cheque. Such preferences are respected by the Foundation, but all grants are made at its sole discretion, as required by the IRS.

To make a gift to the University of Buckingham, visit the British Schools & Universities Foundation.

Gifts from Europe (TGE)

The University of Buckingham is registered with the Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) network, which covers a number of countries and enables donors resident in one of the participating countries, to financially support non-profit organisations in other Member States, while benefiting directly from the tax advantages provided for in their country of residence.

To make a gift to the University of Buckingham, visit the Transnational Giving Europe website.