Taking a Year Out?
Anyone who has ever worked or travelled abroad knows that it is life-changing. It’s hard work but fun, rewarding but scary – a truly exhilarating experience. Returning home can be a real anti-climax, especially if you haven’t planned what you are going to do next. The University of Buckingham is the perfect next step.
- If you’ve loved mixing with people from other cultures and backgrounds, why stop now? Buckingham has students from over 80 countries who work together, live together and form lifelong friendships with each other, regardless of where they’re from
- Buckingham admits students in September and January, so whenever you return home, there’ll be a great variety of programmes starting as soon as you’re ready
- We accept deferred applications from those who are planning for their return before they have set off
- You can apply directly to Buckingham, so there’s no need to keep to UCAS deadlines. This means less to organise whilst you’re away or when you return
- Our honours degrees programmes are just two years long and so if you have been away for a year, you can still graduate at the same time as your peers
We recognise that people who have travelled and worked abroad have a lot of skills and experiences which will make them valuable members of our student community. We will seriously bear this in mind when considering your application.
We can offer you culture, fun, opportunities and challenges. Just because your journey is over doesn’t mean the adventure has to stop.