Online application form essential information
- What information do I need to give when filling in my application?
- Getting started
- What should I do if I close the online application form before I’ve finished?
- How do I know that my application form has been received?
- Who can I contact if I need help when filling in the form?
- How will my referee submit my reference?
- Help for international students
What information do I need to give when filling in my application?
Before you complete the application make sure you have the following:
- Your personal details including name, address, email address and telephone number including country code
- Details of all your qualifications, including the date they were awarded (if you are not sure of the exact date please select the first of the month)
- Details of any pending exam results
- Your English language test results (if English is not your native language)
- Details of your work experience
- Details of your referee/s (Two references are required for Postgraduate applications)
You will also be required to upload copies of:
- Passport (bio page)
- Certificates and transcripts
- English language test report form (e.g IELTS)
If you don’t have these at the time you can always send them to us by email once you have them.
Getting started
Click the ‘New User’ button to begin your application. You will be able to create your own password which you can use to return to your application at any stage (up to one month from starting it). Make a note of your password and your User ID. This is your application number and you will need this to login again or enquire about your application. To leave the online application form just finish the page you’re working on, click the “Save and return later’ button at the bottom of the page and logout. To retrieve your details at a later date, browse back to the form and login.
What should I do if I close the online application form before I’ve finished?
All information entered after the last “Save..” will unfortunately be lost. See above for how to retrieve your partially completed form.
How do I know that my application has been received?
We will send an acknowledgement email to the address used on the form, this will refer to your User ID which becomes your unique application number it is 7 digits long and should be quoted in all correspondence with the university. You will receive a copy of your application form to check. If you need to change any information please contact us with your 7 digit ID number.
Who can I contact if I need help with my application?
Please get in touch with the Admissions Office. They are open from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 (UK time).
How will my referee submit my reference?
We will email your referee(s) to request your academic reference(s). Your referees will only be contacted once we have received your completed application. Details of a referee must be included in your application and you should have permission from them before we contact them. If you do not have a reference at the time of application you will be asked to provide the details by email after the application is submitted.
Help for International Students
QQ and Sina emails from China
QQ and Sina account users cannot receive emails sent from The University of Buckingham. To ensure effective communication between you and our enquiry team, please send all queries from email accounts such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, MSN, 126 or 163. Please also make sure that you avoid using any QQ or Sina emails as correspondence in your application form.
由于QQ 和Sina邮箱(腾迅平台)用户无法成功接收白金汉大学发送的邮件,为确保您与白金汉大学的沟通畅通,建议您在与我们联系或填写申请表时使用Yahoo,Hotmail,Gmail,MSN,126,163等邮件地址。